Where he enjoys to kiss you

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Jim -

If he was asked this, he would answer with your cheek but secretly, he enjoys giving you kisses on your lips.

Edward -

Edward has favorite places cut up by meals. Breakfast, he enjoys to give you your kisses on the forehead whenever he brings you lunch.

Lunch, he enjoys to give you a small and quick peck, prepping you up for dinner.

Dinner, he enjoys to give you a long kiss which sometimes turns into make out sessions. Both of Ed's sides taking over there.

Penguin -

Your nose, the way you squint your eyes when he gets close is just too adorable. It always made him chuckle and fall much more for you.

Jerome -

Jerome was all about showing you off, his favorite were either your neck or lips. Your neck whenever your hair was up and your lips whenever someone passed by.

Bruce -

Your forehead, his respect for you was serious. Here and there they'll be casual kissing but your forehead just to never make you uncomfortable.

Bruce enjoyed it due to the height difference and also because you always were a goddess in his mind.

Victor -

Victor was somewhat old fashioned, he would always kiss your knuckles. He would grab your hand out of nowhere and place a kiss on them whenever he had the chance, privately.

Your hands weren't the prettiest but he made you forget about it. It was just an effect he had on you. Victor seemed to not really be the affection one, I mean, he is a pro at getting rid of people. But, he's starting to open up and it's all new to him and you.

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