Your water breaks

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Your water breaks

Jim -

"What do you mean you dropped a water balloon?" He questioned through the phone, gripping it. All he could hear was your discomfort and chuckles as you explained in baby words that your water had broken.

Edward -

He was so cautious and ready. It seemed like the scenario had played throughout his mind various times because he was keeping everything under control. "We're a step away from seeing our beautiful children." He would mumble against your forehead, his hands roaming your sore muscles.

Penguin -

"Oh my god!" Oz shouted, seeing you clench your stomach in the doorframe of his office. He would immediately waddle over to you, his wonderful eyes taking the whole image in. It didn't take long till Butch came in with a wheel chair.

Jerome -

"Did you just pee yourself?" Jerome would giggle, feelings mischievous. It was normal for him to mess with his pregnant girlfriend but once he saw the pained expression that painted your beautiful face, he dropped the whole act and turned serious.

-why so serious?-
-ok, I couldn't help myself-

Bruce -

*he is an adult in these scenarios*

You were bothered by your room being turned into an ER but once your water broke, you were, oh, so grateful for it. Bruce fidgeted a lot, trying to help but it always ending with the doctors growing a bit annoyed with him. "Thank you so much for this amazing gift you've created." He said, taking your hand in his, intertwining them. You smiled, feeling pissed off at the consequences of intimate times but feeling blessed at the consequences of love.

Victor -

"You just dropped, like, pounds of water." You looked down to see your black pants looking darker and uncomfortable with the wetness. Oh god, your water broke. Victor's eyes widened at the scene unfolding in front of him. His son was soon to be born and he was too busy starring at the pool you've made.


I normally write these longer but since I don't really feel put to write birth scenes, I guess these will have to do. Enjoy!

P.S. - I think we all know how children are born but I guess we could do a type were it tells if the reader got a c-section or natural or epidural, yknow

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