His reaction to a baby

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He reacts to you telling him the news of a baby

Jimbo -

"Jim, um so like, I found out something that's pretty cool

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"Jim, um so like, I found out something that's pretty cool." You mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I'm pregnant." You quickly said, it took a couple of seconds until his eyes widened. A huge smile took over the tired detective as he excitedly paced, turning to you violently.

"Wait! I just want to let this moment engrave into my brain!" He said, his laugh slipping through his lips. It had been a while that you've guys been trying and the moment finally came.

Edward -

You didn't know but he did

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You didn't know but he did. He was smart and he figured it out once he saw how you started to spend your mornings throwing up all over the poor toilet seat. And how you started to leave the fridge empty more times than you used to. Edward couldn't believe it, his baby was having a baby.

"Ughhhh." You groaned while he rubbed your back soothingly.

After all, he wanted this more than anything.

Penguin -

"I'm pregnant

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"I'm pregnant." He dropped his cup, turning around to look at you holding a test stick. The smile creeped up to his face, seeing you there. It was his imagination but he still wanted to believe he could see something there.

"Oh, that's wonderful news!" Oswald almost yelled, ignoring the liquid on the ground as he made his way towards you, ready to give you the biggest hug.

Jerome -

Jerome sat there, laughing his ass off

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Jerome sat there, laughing his ass off. He probably thought you'd been joking about it. Thing was, you weren't. Your straight facial expression causes his laugh to die down, uncomfortably moving in his seat. His eyebrows creased, looking at you then towards the dripping sink in the condo you've been staying.

"I'm sorry for laughing, princess. But, are you, like really?" You could see his Adam's apple bobbling down then up making you giggle.

"I am."

Bruce -
* first of all, you guys are definitely over twenty-one here*

Bruce looked confused at the amount of times you tried to explain to him that he had knocked you up

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Bruce looked confused at the amount of times you tried to explain to him that he had knocked you up. He was a twenty-five year old and he still couldn't understand the words that left your mouth.

You took a deep breathing, running your hands through your short hair.

"My egg! Your sperm!" Alfred peaked his head in, hearing the commotion, his eyes looking through the creek seeing Bruce on a chair and your fingers touching. "Touch!"

Bruce still looked confused, he was probably more confused with the awkward hand movement.

"You got me pregnant!" You finally yelled, making Bruce go a bit back at the sudden outburst. Alfred chuckled to himself at the once shocked Bruce but then bouncing enthusiastic soon to be dad.

Victor -

Zsasz was there when you had taken the test

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Zsasz was there when you had taken the test. It was obvious he was nervous, he wasn't exactly thrilled about bringing a baby into his type of world filled with danger. You were nervous as well but you wanted this, even if it would cause some bumps in your guy's bumpy road.

Minutes passed, the ringing of the alarm made Victor release you from his arms. Your feet moved quickly, standing up and taking long steps to the bathroom. A smile broke throughout your face seeing that the test showed positive.

"It's positive!" You shouted from the bathroom, hearing Zsasz cheer.

"And on our first try! I do good work!" Victor said, chuckling a bit as you rolled your eyes, walking out of the bathroom to him.


Yes, we're in that section no


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