He compliments you

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Jim -

Working with dead bodies was sometimes a buzz kill. (Hah) But you always try to wear your best to work, knowing some would be starring. Some were a lot.

The stunning red dress hugged you in all the right places. Too bad you were gonna be hiding in a white coat.

Your presence appeared in the G.C.P.D. smiling bright to those you passed. You felt like it you were glowing, this was rare for you. It was rare in feeling confidence due to always being self-conscious and shy.

"You look stunning." Kristen said, giggling at you while you smiled brightly. You stood in the same hallways as her.

"She sure does." You turned around to see Jim awkwardly standing by the door frame. He quickly stood up, fixing his blazer now that all eyes were on him.

What a cutie.

Edward -

You felt suffocated by the pencil skirt, it barely zipped but thank god class was over. You ran almost all of your to the women's bathroom, ready to change in your casual jeans.

A long sigh left your lips as you unzipped satan's skirt. The material of the jeans feeling like heaven between your thighs and calves. Too bad the skirt made its way to the garbage can.


You short legs felt happy knowing they won't be in any skirt any time soon.

"Ms.(L/n)?" Quickly, you twirled as fast as the flash. Your heart quickened knowing it was Edward, him kind of interrupting your session of relaxation with your blue jeans. But mostly because of the handsome being in front of you.

"You look quite comfy and cute." He smiled, a blush growing on you.

"I am comfy, I'm not so sure about the cute part." You said, giggling. This was kind of not new, you and Edward both flirted with each other in each of your interactions.

"Oh trust me, your beauty catches everyone's attention like a hawk." The blush becoming redder, Ed smiled confidently, his glasses inside his pocket.

His smile looked somewhat like a smirk but Edward was sincere with it all, serious about you and his close relationship.

Penguin -

He pursed his lips as the waitress talked again, interrupting your guys date. As she walked away, you giggled at what is Oswald's deadly glare. You thought of it as adorable.

Both of you were in an old fashioned diner in Gotham, both enjoying a couple of cheese burgers and fries together. He enjoyed his time with you and the subjects you all would come up with.

"You really are such a beauty." Oz said,
chuckling, giving you one of those dazes that made any girl melt.

The twinkle in his eyes and the sincerity that came with his words made you flustered at the man in front of you. You felt better about yourself, even if it was love from a gangster. You still couldn't help yourself but to fall deeper for the penguin.

Jerome -

Jerome complimented you every day of the week and you never seem to get tired of it. Every day he would either call you beautiful or his queen. It made you feel much more confident which you already were and by a great amount.

"You're my favorite, little boyfriend gutter." He would whisper before leaving your cell every night. Your curiosity always rising up in the morning. You couldn't help yourself, you wanted to see that ginger psycho every morning, wanting to hear him praise you.

Bruce -

Your legs dangled off of the bench, the one you and Bruce shared together. Laughs were shared between the teens. Telling embarrassing stories not even Alfred knew.

"My brother was once a fool for this one woman," (Y/n) started, closing her eyes. "such a fool that it got him killed." Bruce smiled died down, concern taking over his youngling features.

You opened your eyes, looking at the Bruce that you so very much grew fond of. "It's like Romero and Juliet, you know? Except, it was a kidnapping gone wrong." A smile took over your features, your short hair taking Bruce's breath away.

"You're really pretty." A giggle escaped your lips, you looked at Bruce, a nice pink taking over his milk colored cheeks.

"You're really handsome." This time, he chuckled. Both of the teens stared at each other, young love rising between the two with a fate that's not even describable.

Victor -

Victor and you were going through the list of jobs you both were assigned. Both of you worked well together, almost like if you could read each other's body language which seemed kind of creepy. The bald man never worked well with anyone and this little duo he had going seemed to work way to good.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look marvelous whenever you shoot?" He interrupted your guys mid-assignment to give you a compliment, feeling bold enough to do it in front of people. Well, dead people.

You smirked, looking at the crazy baldy in front of you.

"No, they mostly plead and cry for their lives." Both of you smiled at each other. How odd, Victor never knew he could ever feel excitement over a woman. But she wasn't just any woman. In Victor's eyes, she was a cold-hearted killer and that was what he liked most about her.


I'm really glad I'm updating constantly

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