Couples activity

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They do an activity with you, some aren't fond of the idea.

Jim -

Dance classes.

"Come on, Jimbo. Wouldn't hurt to let loose a bit." You giggled, hugging him from the back. Jim only shook his head, knowing he wasn't gonna win this argument.

Edward -

Mixology classes.

It was an odd idea that popped into your head but Edward agreed, wanting to try something new.

"We could even try roleplaying, you could be my smoking hot bartender." You suggested with a wink as you both walked through the doors of his apartment.

Penguin -

Baking classes.

It was obvious you wanted to please Oswald with your cooking skills. The problem was he had more of a sweet tooth. You had asked for classes which he said yes to, under one condition. He'd be attending with you.

"Hey darling, was your daddy a baker because you have some sweet buns."

Jerome -

Art classes.

It was Jerome's idea to take painting classes together. Nude painting classes. You groaned at the thought of a nude being exposing what was given to them.

"Where's everyone else?" You asked, eyes going right and left, looking for the others students.

"It's just me, you're the model." He said, pushing me forward. A smirk well planted on his fade.

But you obliged, stripping and resting on the furniture in front.

- time skip -

Jerome clapped his hands excitedly, catching your attention. His hands gripped the canvas turning it my direction, giving me a full view of his 'masterpiece'.

"That's a stickman, babe."

Bruce -


Bruce didn't quite fancy the idea of just sitting and watching birds but when it came to you, everything was a yes.

And now, both of you were sat, enjoying each other's presence. Bruce was proved wrong, it was extremely breathtaking. Seeing them flap here and there.

Victor -


Victor wasn't a fan of the outdoors, he preferred his very nice cold room. But, his woman ruled at the moment so he followed her anywhere.

You slept mostly on the uncomfortable inflated plastic mattress while Victor struggled. It was true, you really were a cockroach.


I'm sorry this was rushed but I'm back!

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