He picks a movie

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He picks a movie genre

Jim -

Your detective boyfriend probably picked out a history documentary which was surprisingly really interesting.

Edward -

A sci-fi movie. Who doesn't love a 'back to the future' or a Doctor Who marathon with their super cute nerdy boyfriend?

Penguin -

You both were suckers for Rom-Coms. It was your guys thing, every weekend to watch a different one. Both spooning and munching on the popcorn that Oz had prepared.

Jerome -

It was kind of hard to decide for a movie, both of you are extremely stubborn and love to argue with each other. You would want a romantic movie while he would want an action film. Until you both had gone with comedy. Your jokester boyfriend agreed and so did you.

Bruce -

The young soul had always gone with what you wanted, both of you had a weird taste. It was a comedy action film, you both enjoyed the genre. It seemed to bring you both much closer.

Victor -

You both were huge preachers for scary movies. 'Friday the 13th' or 'Halloween' were your guys big time favourites. The movie 'insidious' always got to you for some odd reason but Victor always claimed to protect you. Even though he was lowkey afraid of that movie as well.


Here's another one, glad I'm updating again. Three whole updates under 24-hours!

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