He gets jealous

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Jim -

He rolled his eyes, hearing the different compliments some of the officers would give you. You stood awkwardly and quietly, just hoping they would bug off. Sure, the compliments were nice and all but your eyes were already on someone. The officer took the opportunity to slide his hand around your waist, pulling you closer to him as him and his buddies laughed at a joke.

"Please d-don't touch me." Your voice was small, you were fragile and sensitive. Jim finally had enough and stood up from his desk area, walking towards you. He pulled you of the arms of the officer, catching his and his buddies attention.

"Don't touch her unless you want me to report you for sexual assault at work." Your guys hands were joined together while you hid behind Jim's frame. Jim saw how the man in front of him rolled his eyes, walking past Jim. The man stopped and whispered to you.

"Too bad your boyfriend had to ruin our fun." Jim left the hold of your hand to push him down to the near desk, the ruckus caused an audience. You felt embarrassed, it all happening because you couldn't speak up for your self.

Essen came out to see the ruckus, Jim explaining to her what he's done which she just shook her head at. He was released from his grip, walking away to Essen's office. Jimbo turned around to find you, you were silently reading off a report you already read. You just needed the distraction.

He walked your way, looking around before placing a kiss to your cheek which you giggled at.

"Such a hero, you are."

Edward -

Edward scowled at the student who placed a couple of roses and chocolates on your desk. He had volunteered helping you with your lesson but he never knew how much attention you received from your male students. The thought about fetuses winning your love over his made him slightly anxious.

The other side of Ed telling him how he could just kill him off. He shook his head, focusing on your reaction. A smile was placed on your face as you accepted it, thanking him. Edward just felt like scowling more.

As time passed in the somewhat small class, Edward examined how that boy looked at you. He didn't like it one bit. Ed didn't want to seem possessive but it was impossible when another man looked at you like that.

He then came back to his senses, the bell ringing and you dismissing your students, talking about the quiz on Monday. The class was now empty and quiet. Both of the adults in the same desk, silent as mouses.

"Want to burn the box and the roses?" You questioned, that'll probably cheer him up.


Both of you stood up in a hurry, walking outside, hand in hand. The cold breeze hitting both of you in the exposed skin. You giggled as Edward pulled you faster to an alley by the school. It was odd but you felt like a teenager with Edward, you enjoyed it though. Every second of it.

Penguin -

Poor guy or girl who ever dared them self to look at you. Oswald wouldn't let it slide without a punishment. You always tried to calm him down, seeing how fast he was angered by those wandering eyes.

Somehow, you still found it adorable. The way he would purse his lips would just cause your heart to melt, it was cute to you. Oddly, you weren't afraid that he could do something wicked to them.

It's probably why both of you clicked, you both were a pair of crazies who were experiencing love with each other. To Oswald, he loved the fact that you didn't mind about his mobster life. You were interested and fascinated by it.

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