conners werewolfness

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-conner cuts himself off from his sister because he became a burden to her when he was first turned

-conners wings got hurt when he first transformed into a wolf and were better cut off, so he asked zoe to cut them off

-his sister helped keep him chained up in his room on full moons

-"zo, i keep telling you. having wings never wouldve worked. i dont blame you, i asked you to." 

they were in a park late at night, looking for conners phone.

they shouldntve been out, but conner needed him phone for the music that was on it and zoe understood that.

neither noticed the full moon and if they did they wouldntve thought anything of it at the time.

zoe saw its eyes from across the park, then its form creeping up behind an unsuspecting conner.

she flew toward him, calling out. he turned in time to see the werewolf lunge. zoe picked up a branch without slowing down and hit it in the base of its skull, knocking it out.

thankfully it didnt get conner deep enough to kill him, but it broke skin on his neck nonetheless.

both knew what that meant.

they returned home, zoes scarf pressed to his neck and slightly panicing. they found their mother first, in the kitchen.

"mom, we-." zoe broke down, and their mother rushed toward them in alarm.

"What happened? are you two ok?"

"yeah, but not really. there was a werewolf and," he took the cloth away and cynthia gasped.

"oh no." she got it cleaned and bandaged without issue, but the damage was done.

larry murphy was not pleased his son had gotten bitten, but instead of going beyond reporting the incedent to the police like a normal parent, he got angry with conner for going out late, sneaking out.

both children never went out late on a full moon again, not because theyd get in trouble but out of fear, zoe that shed get bitten and conner that hed bite someone.

by the time the next full moon rolled around, theyd prepared a room in the house for conner. reenforced windows and walls and the trapdoor was locked and barred shut.

the first night the entire family could hear the screams, the howling and the scratching. larry eventually left, not wanting to deal with it.

zoe and cynthia did too, as neither could sleep and both felt awful for conner, and decided to hang out in a waffle house, waiting it out.

at dawn they returned, opening the trapdoor to the attic to find conner passed out from exaustion, and the room was covered in deep scratchmarks and blood.

conner himself was covered in blood as well, and his wings were badly broken. zoe nearly got sick from the stench and the sight, but his skin was cut free, only a few scars remaining.

they got him to the bathroom and washed the blood off, and cynthia cleaned the attic as well. he woke up around noon, and zoes eyes lit up when he did.

"zoe, my wings-," they twitched and he nearly screamed. "i need you to cut them off."

"what? are you insane!?" she said hushed, not wanting their parents to hear.

"by the time they heal itll be full moon again, its better if theyre off. you know where dads knives are." larry murphy had quite the knife collection, even a few enchanted ones that they knew could do the job without killing conner via a failed amputation.

since zoe wasnt a medical professional at age seven, the cuts were jagged and sloppy, and left scars even his enhaced healing couldnt fix properly because of the knife used.

after he stopped bleeding, the two sneakily got the sheets into the washing machine without either parent noticing.

conner was almost starving, and he ate four sandwiches before he was stopped, and then told about the sounds and the blood. he cringed, apologizing, and larry said hed invest in soundproofing the attic as well as some restraints.

so conners second full moon was better for the rest of the family, soundless and the blood only got so far and was easily washed away with the new tile floor put in.

it took a little under a year for him to stop passing out, each month hed be out shorter and shorter, though he was too weak to move.

a few months after that he started to be able to recover on his own, showering and eating nearly half the pantry after washing away the blood.

the scratches on the walls from the first month would forever be there, a reminder of why he needs to be chained down.

eventually, his parents practically forgot he was a werewolf, as zoe was the one who chained him up and locked the trap door, then doing the reverse the next morning. as time went on, hed have to remind his family it was a full moon and no, he cant go out for a family dinner.

it always saddened his sister, annoyed his dad, and a little bit of a mix for his mom.

he stopped using his werewolfness to not go to school in fifth grade, as his classmates thought him being a werewolf meant he was agressive all the time and his aesthetic didnt help, so to get everyone off his back he stopped missing school monthly, even if the day after he acted like he had a hangover, everything was too bright and too loud and his head hurt.

-on full moons conners clothes get ripped and shit when he goes wolf form, so the school provides free one time use clothes in the rooms that the were wolves go to to be restrained on full moons

-conner always comes back physically sore and emotionally exausted, with many scars inflicted by his own claws with nothing else to do in the padded, soundproof rooms, chained up

-the handful of werewolves made a silent pact that they wouldnt tell anyone what they have to go through

-the other werewolves are john laurens, jake, patton, and shiro, not that thats important to the story

-the process they go through monthly is bloody, painful, irritating and unavoidable without expensive drugs that can knock you out for twenty four hours

-like periods

-ok but srsly they heal faster as werewolves so only the last few cuts actually scar as they heal, bc their healing is less in human form

-they still do lose a fair amount of blood, enough to stain the padded floors but not enough to kill them

-after they shower off the remaining blood and meet in the common room to just sit and maybe nap while they wait for their friends to come and help them back to their dorms

-they are given a bit of leeway after a fullmoon in classes, and they have a teacher dedicated to giving them tests or quizzes they missed while their friends take notes and collect assignments they missed

-in conners case, he had to do that himself bc he told zoe he could bc he didnt want to be a burden to her anymore after making her deal with his cycle for years

-conner has long since come to terms with losing his wings, but zoe still feels guilty

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