evan breaks a leg

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-evan breaks a leg

its because of one of the elementally in tune kids, who could move dirt. they were messing around in the quad and accidentally created a gopherhole like dent in the ground right where evan was about to step.

he buckled, letting out a scream and thumping to the floor. everyone turned to him in confusion or alarm, and at the time jared and conner were with him.

"oh fuck evan are you ok?" conner noticed evans leg and hissed in empathetic pain.

"nope. look."

"oh shit." jared turned to the crowds and yelled, "does anyone know healing magic? is that a thing?" apparently it was not. "alright, never tried this before lets see if it works." he muttered, tossing his glasses to conner and rapidly growing in size until evan was the size of a toy horse to him.

he bent down slowly and scooped evan up making sure not to jostle his leg any more than necessary, stepping over the administration building and heading into the city, moving slowly through the city and burning energy.

he arrived at the hospital and shrank after setting evan down, then noticing conner who had hitched a ride.

"holy fuck, that was-." jared never finished his sentance, instead passing out. conner caught hiim and kicked the doors to the hospital open to say,

"hi i have a centaur friend with a broken leg, can you maybe get someone on that?"

evan was quickly attended to, and jared was fine, just exausted, and soon enough evan was ready to be seen.

he was stuck on a bed, laying down with the leg casted, high on pain meds.

he was giggly as conner came in, carrying jared but once evan noticed his state his expression changed to alarmed.

"oh no is he dead?"

"no, no jareds fine. hes asleep." conner said, knowing his drugged brain wouldnt be able to tell the different between asleep and unconscious.

"ok. why cant i get up?" his top half wiggled but his legs, currently unmovable, didnt.

"youre on drugs. you cant move your horse half until they wear off. but you still shouldnt, you broke one."

"oh no!" he whispers, clawing at the bedsheets to look at the lower half. "am i ok?"

"yes evan, youre fine." conner said, amused. he decided to call up the girls next. "alana, are you with zoe?"

"of course. whats up?"

"evan fell in a gopher hole, broke his leg. jared got really fucking big and carried him to the hospital. evans high."

"we'll be right there." she said before hanging up. evan hummed uner his breath, then looking to conner.

"what song is that?"

"that was trumpets, by jason derulo. i dont know where you heard that but eh." conner explained, and evan nodded, taking a deep breath and belting out the lyrics at top volume.

conner scrambled up and covered his mouth, abruptly cutting off the noise.

"evan no. jareds sleeping." evan nodded behind conners hand, feigning understanding, only to start yelling again once he could.

"is that evan screaming?"

"technically, its singing." a bit later the doctor comes back with test results and says evan will be fine, he has to be in a pocket dimension wheelchair until it heals and to come back in three weeks to check on it.

they wheel evan out, zoe carrying jared and alana trying to placate evan whos fussing and confused by the chair.

"where are my legs? why am i so short."

"youre legs are in the chair, and you went from seven foot to three and half feet tall so," she shrugged, and evan nodded slowly.

the girl responsable found them and apologized, and evan, still high as a kite, said

"no no no, its fine see i got," he backhanded the arm of the wheelchair. "a special chair. its all good."

"is he?" the girl said, and conner nodded. "well, sorry. good luck." 

-hes stuck in a wheelchair to move around, and while he didnt like being tall this is worse

-he feels confined

-not to mention whenver he isnt in the chair he cant move around, as the leg he broke cant hold weight or jostle too much

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