alanas tail+mermid accomodations

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alanas tail

  -alanas tail is a yellow gold mix, with little fins near her hips and where her knees would be that help with turns  

-alana gets water ballooned on her way to class often, like most mermaids do but evan and zoe help her by either warning her, getting wet themselves, or dragging her to class

-evans back half helps with moving her, and gives her rides

-no one else is allowed to ride, except post full moon conner and sometimes jared

-transformations occur whenever she touches more than a little bit of water

-she can drink it from a glass, but if she majorly spills and it gets on her skin shes hosed


-dickheads throw water balloons at her to be funny

-it never is

-it only wears off when shes completely dry again

-its not comfortable to sit with a tail, she can never find the sweet spot

-there are mermaid accessable showers with seats or riggings that hold her up

-neither are comfortable

-so she and the one other mermaid on her floor share the tub, which is not gender seperated as theres only one and its connected to both bathrooms so you have to lock two doors

-they can kick someone out if they want to, having superiority bc of their tails but both are too nice to so if the bath is occupied they just wait

-if they walk in at the same time they wind up having to flip for it, as both insist the other go first

-christine is the other mermaid, but thats irrelevant in this book

-the guys side door has been locked all year sine there are none on their floor and if one comes from another floor they are redirected through the girls room bc most of the time its a meek guy from floor five who gets kicked out every time he tries to use the tub even though hes the only merman the other people are just dicks

-now hes a regular in the floor four girls bathroom, walking through to try the door without a second thought about the ten or so girls around him gossiping and chatting half naked or in towels

-its ok, hes gay and pretty chill so its fine (its james m btw)

-fuck this was about alana ok back on track

-alana absolutely loves her tail, they way it looks and the fact she has it

-sometimes it gets irritating to deal with surprise transformations tho

-the pool has a time slot on weekends dedicated to mer students bc the swim team uses it a lot, and students use it for leisure and are in the way

-since they have to not be wearing pants right before they transform theres small changing rooms with cubbys that lead directly to the pool so they can go entirely naked before going in, except females have tops on bc decency is a thing

-alana isnt the fastest mer student, but the title switches around a lot bc it depends on what kind of tail you have and which lane youre in

-some mer students tails arent build for speed, like one girls is a flowy beta fish tail that looks really pretty but she cant go very fast (its martha d)

alana the fssh cant move very well on land and one time she gets water ballooned late at night and is halfway through calling zoe when the person who threw it appeared and began dragging her away, but she didnt know that.

"oh, thanks, but my dorm is that way." she pointed in the opposite direction but the guys dragging her just said in the creepiest tone ever and u kno this be kurt and ram "were not going to your dorm." this confuses and scares alana. "all we gotta do is wait until she dries off and-."

"excuse me! wh-you sickos!" she thrashes against their grip but its useless, until a cat comes into view, jumping at one and turning into a lion halfway, knocking both to the ground and scaring them off with a roar.

jared turns back and looks down at alana.

"you ok?"

"i was about to not be. thanks." jared shifted into something big enough to carry her and scooped her up. "howd you know i was in trouble?"

"i got lucky. i was outside and heard you scream." 

-there are pros and cons to being a mermaid but alana wouldnt have it any other way

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