evan fighting

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-in a fight he can hoof someone and kill them with his hind legs if necessary, not that hed ever do it


"hey, werewolf boy." two winged guys, one whos wings disappeared indicating a shapeshifter landed in front of him and the three stopped. evan took a nervous step backwards a bit, looking down at them in worry.

"we heard they keep you chained up at night, because you're uncontrollable." the other said mockingly.

"'s that true? or do they just lock you in a room and let you claw up the walls?" clearly, this struck a nerve for conner, who stiffened.

"hey, back off dickheads." jared said, stepping forward.

"what are you gonna do about it? turn into something scary and hope we run? youre just a useless fag, cant even hold a form correctly." jared visibly tensed, glaring, but one shifted into typical demon form and hissed.

it scared the fuck out of evan, but the half-deer was brought back to reality by the one with actual wings batting jared backwards.

he hit the floor and the two laughed, shapeshifter going back to normal.

"hey! dont do that." evan said, rapidly losing confidence, and you could hear it in his tone. the winged boy looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"really? ive seen you 'in action' before, you literally froze. watch." evan watched as he rounded evans flank and pulled out a sharpie.

evan knew those took forever to get off, and in one swift motion turned thirty degrees and kicked him.

just enough force to be considered a gut punch, causing him to fold and drop the marker.

"holy fuck." jared said, but the shapeshifter just took the form of an actual centaur, horse and all and glared down at evan.

"you think you can just get away with doing something like that?" he growled, and evan moved back as he moved forward, hands up and clutched to himself in fear.


"hey!" he heard from behind, zoe. "leave him alone!" she flew in from the side and got between them, level with his eight foot tall height.

"he kicked my friend."

"like evan would do that."

"no, he did." conner said, and zoe turned to evan with one swift movement.


"he-he insulted conner and jared, and he was gonna write on me."

"well thats understandable." she turned again, kicking the shit out of the shapeshifters face and causing him to shrink back to normal and make a hasty retreat.

"damn evan, i didnt think you had it in you." jared said, grinning.

"i dont. i still want to apologize."

"you know how long it takes to get sharpie out. it was an ok reaction."

"i shouldve tried talking to them."

"evan that would never have worked. theyre unreasonable." conner said, faraway look in his eyes.

"does anyone know where alana is?" zoe asked, just as we hear a balloon pop and a very loud curse word accompanied by laughter. we turn to see alana in mermaid form flop to the floor.

evan gets to her first, having been able to jump on top of the five foot brick wall that held the inclide dirt of the quad back instead of climbing.

"motherfuckers got me again." she growled from the floor, and evan knlet his forelegs and offered a hand.

because they do this so often the two easily got alana situated on evans back and he asked,

"where to?" jus as the others caught up.

"english, 205."

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