jared the cat

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-jared the cat

jared is extremely touch starved bc his parents werent the affentionate type, his dad working all the time and his mom too busy around the house for him.

so one day he gets an idea, and practices holding cat form and eventually manages to for hours. once he was confident, jared followed evan back from his last class to their dorm.

"why hello." evan said upon noticing the cat. "who are you?" evan suspected it could be a student, but then it meowed. "are you an actual cat?" he said, stopping at the door. the cat weaved between his legs, rubbing up against them.

evan resolved to let the cat do what it wanted, and eventually once evan had settled down to finish his homework the cat curled up near his nondominant hand, causing him to subconsciously pet said cat.

jared was in heaven. his favorite person was giving him affection and he didnt have to deal with the emotional consequences bc he was a cat!

eventually, evan finished the work and got up, causing jared, who was almost asleep to stand and stretch.

"im going to go meet my friends. you coming?" he asked the cat, thinking it was just a cat yet talking to it nonetheless.

jared the cat conveyed a no with his body language, stalking away with his head up .

so, it continued. whenever jared was feeling sad or emotionally exausted and just needed some cuddles he would go into cat form and find evan.

the cat he turned into was his mental projection of him as a cat, meaning he was the equivalent in cat years, a little older than what could be considered a kitten but still small, small enough to fit in evans bag during class and be decreetly petted.

evan had no idea the cat was jared, being gullible as fuck and blind in a metaphorical sense, and jared was careful to only show up when none of their other friends were there to put the dot together.

the secret finally came out when the vice-principal interrupted a class to talk to the teacher, and she has an anti magic aura, causing jared to turn back and tumble out of evans bag.

"ah fuck." he says, now sitting on the floor trying not to look guilty. "well," he stood, brushing himself off. "i guess ill be off now." before anyone could say anything he ran out of the classroom.

evan tried to bring it up later.

"jared why were you-."

"i have no idea what youre talking about." he said quickly. "so alana," he changed the subjext masterfully, and evan got an idea.

he ran a hand through jareds hair which was admittedly softer than expected, and instead of being annoyed evan messed up his hair he leaned into the touch, snapping back to reality a few seconds later with,

"tshit. what are you doing?"

"proving my theory. you were the cat."

"yeah.' jared admitted, and evan asked,

"why though?"

"your classes. you have mostly the same teachers i do so if im in the class before hand i dont have to pay attention in my actual class." he lied, tapping his temple as if he was a genius.

"oh." evan sounded slightly dissapointed his cat friend was a lie, and jared interanly kicked himself. his cover was blown, no more affection from evan. 

-jared will also go into animal form to comfort any of the others

-alanas favorite is jared the fish, who races her in the pool like the flounder to her ariel

-zoes favorite is a discreet austrailian animal jared didnt know existed until zoe requested it

-he looked it up and took the form, hopping over to zoe to offer comfort

-evan still prefers jared the cat, and jared is happy to be petted by evan anytime

-it took a while to find out, but in times of stress conner loves big fluffy dogs

-like that giant saint bernard 

-that one

-its difficult for jared to hold but he does it bc conner rarely asks, knowing it would exuast him so whenever he does do it its worth it

-jared himself never admits him needs comfort so he never gets it

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