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jared kleinman voice: "kiNKy"

no but srsly tho this is depressing

the government has precautions for every type of human. you can chain down a winged person , even clip their wings or cut them off entirely.

mermaids tails can be clipped to throw them off balance, but thats as permanent as cutting wings off and can be learned around.

werewolves are already having precautions used on them, and are legal to kill if on a rampage

vampires are the same, if theyre causing havoc you can legally stake them

centuars are tranqed, which is probably the nicest way people deal with others. they cant move their lower halves if tranqed

shapeshifters, theyve got arguably the worst punishment. if a shapeshifter commits a crime they get collared, which has tech in it that interrupts the shapeshifting process with an electric shock, making it impossible to change or hold another form.

schools use these with shapshifting children who use it for selfish purposes and get caught.

which means jared gets collared a lot.

the first time was the worst. he only had vague memories of being collared when he was little, his parents requested one to keep him looking like the baby they brought back to keep track of him without realizing it traumatized him.

the collar wasnt explained to him, only told hed get it off within a week if he was good. jared wasnt altogether worried, thinking it was only a trakcer or something and came back to his mostly empty dorm to pop in on evan and say,

"hey look at this cool necklace the office gave me." jokingly. "i wonder if it changes like my clothes do." he tried to go into cat form, which is when it shocked him.

all the memories came rushing back and he collapsed, shaking and trying not to dissolve into sobs.

"oh my gosh jared are you ok?" evan got off the bed and nearer to jared, who was not doing too well. "what happened?" jared was too busy trying to breathe to answer, and evan put two and two together and thought 'panic attack'

he went through what jared usually does to help him through a panic attack, and soon jared was breathing steady again, calming down.

"do you walk to talk about it?" after thinking for a while he decided on,

"no, but i should. its just, bad memeories i convinced myself werent real." evan nodded not pushing for more information even though he was still confused.

"are you gonna be ok?"

"to be honest, no. shapeshifting is an instinct. im going to forget this blasted thing is here and try again and do that again."

"then lets find someone who can get it off." another friend of conners knew a guy who could melt it off, and soon he was free.

"what about when the office finds out you took it off?"

"i will run. run the fuck away because being in trouble is better than wearing one of those." he shrugged, silently saying 'suit yourself' and worrying about jared silently.

-he cannot wear chokers or close necklaces because of it

-it brings him back to the intense negativity

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