Swoon: SMii7Y

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Finally, he seemed to understand, and stopped acting like an idiot. "Yeah, I... I'm..."
His avatar jumped down from the wooden stairs and pulled a shotgun from the seemingly endless pockets of his Fortnite character. The person that had been plaguing the squad containing Kryoz, Mini, and Wildcat, cowered under the stairs, but was no match for the power of a shotgun to the face at point-blank range.

"I got it! Ahah, idiot. You can't hurt my friends anymore," he shrieked, climbing back up into their fortress to revive first John, then Craig.

He chuckled some more, at the compliments of his team. Once they were finished, he yawned a bit and rubbed his eyes. "Alright boys, let's get ourselves a win. Then I'm going to get off, my mom said she needed help moving some of my old stuff around."

There were various sighs and groans from the group, and John even moaned, "But daddy...". He smiled and pretended to be concerned. "Oh, no, whatever will you do without me, Kickflip-Eggofucker?"

"I don't know, you hot bag of milk," John whimpered into his mic. "I just know these guys can't carry us the way you can."

Craig started to protest, and then realized just how right John was, shutting him up effectively.

Once they finally finished the round out, being ranked in the top five squads, Tyler sighed. "Sm-ite-y, please don't goooo...", but the distinct Discord disconnect sound was already cued. Jaren was gone.


"Mom? Mom, I'm here!" He yelled, opening the door gently.

"Oh! Hello dear, how have you been?" She asked, smiling and enveloping him in a hug. "I was just going to call you, to tell you that I got you an extra set of helping hands!"

A (height) girl peeked her head around the corner, carrying out what looked like a heavy box of books. "Um, hello!" She said, muffled under her scarf.

Jaren's mother turned back to him, still smiling brightly. "This is our next-door neighbor, her name is (name). She's an absolute sweetheart. She always asks if she can help us with anything we need, even when she's busy!"

The girl in the other room was bright red from all of the praise from her neighbor. She heard Jaren talk, and he sounded glad that someone was helping his parents.

Without her noticing, though, he had walked into the room she had been in, the kitchen, and had scooped up another one of the heavy boxes. "Hello," he muttered, straining his face from the effort required in picking the box up.

"Hi," she said back, adding in a friendly, "how are you?"

He chuckled a little, a bit taken aback by her formality, when she seemed like such a good family friend. "I'm good, how are you, (name)? I hope you're doing well."

She smiled brightly, using the manners her parents so eloquently taught her, in hopes that she would one day need them. "I'm well. You know, your parents are such lovely people, I'm glad to neighbor them."

He looked at her closely, and saw that her smile never wavered or faltered, and that she was being completely and utterly sincere. But he also noticed that she had no clue who he was, which he was grateful of.

"I agree," he nodded, coming out of a slight stupor after sizing her up.

She asked for him to follow her, to show him where the boxes had to go. As they reached the living room, containing pictures and pictures of him and his family, as a younger, smiling, beautiful family that radiated love from the pictures that seemed at least a decade old, she dropped her box gently on the floor, and gracefully walked away.

His mother appeared in the doorway that (name) had walked out of, and she smiled down at her hunched-over son. "Well? What do you think of her?"

He looked up. "What do you mean?"

Jaren's mother smiled coyly and carried on. "(name) is a college student, and she rents the house next to us on her own. Her parents are in the States, but she talks about them a lot, in rambles when she wants to. (name) sometimes even bakes cookies for the whole neighborhood when she has free time! And, I've seen her walking about the block with a small dog she calls 'Skipper.' How about that?"

It seemed to him that his mother was trying to set up a dating relationship between him and the girl he had just met. Although she was gorgeous in a way he had never seen of a girl before, he still didn't know her all that well. "I think she seems nice," was all he could muster.
"Oh, of course, dear. Do you think you would like her number?"

Jaren thought for a moment. What if his parents got hurt? What if they fell down the stairs or just needed his help for something? He figured it wise to have her number and nodded before his head could understand what his body was doing. Before long, his mother was handing him a strip of paper with a number in fancy script on it.

After his encounter with his mother, he and the newest person in his life went back to work on moving the boxes of kitchen supplies and appliances to the living room.

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