Sweet Coincidence: SwaggerSouls (p.2)

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"A party?" Marissa was stoned out of her mind. "Yeah? What about it, square?"

Whenever Marissa was high, she called anyone who didn't regularly smoke a square. It got to be so constant that (name) had no choice but to put up with it. Unfortunately, she had other nicknames too. Some included "straight-edge", "pussy", and when she was feeling particularly creative (or on speed), an alliteration of a name. For example, Betty Boring and Uninteresting Ursula. Luckily, today it was just "square."

"I met someone today. And they'll be there, and... I want to be there," (name) said, with shaky confidence.

This remark caused Marissa to chortle with pity laughter, and she said, in between laughs, "Absolutely not."

"Wh— why not? You host parties in our room all the time! Why can't I go to this one?"

"Because it's closed to losers, square."

A defeated sigh escaped the freshman's lips. "Please, Marissa," she mumbled quietly.

Marissa laughed again, rolled her eyes, and walked towards the boys' dorm building.

(name) sent a message off to the online enigma, Swagger, telling of the ordeal.

"No worries," he sent back. "If she sees who I am, and who my roommate is, we're set. C's one of the most notorious stoners here, I think."

"Right," she sent back, still really nervous.

She closed the open door Marissa had left, and sat on her bed. Weirdly enough, her pillow smelled like Swagger, and she flipped it over, since he smelt like Mary Jane.

It was kind of a sickly sweet smell, the smell of pot. But underneath that, he really smelt sweet. when they had kissed, she could taste his vanilla chapstick and smell his deodorant faintly. He smelled like a late teenager that lived off ramen and Monster, just like everyone else. But he owned the scent, better than everyone else.

Shaking her head, (name) pulled her hair into a manageable state, and changed into jeans and a tee shirt. Her sneakers sat by the door, waiting for her patiently, and she promised herself she'd wear them instead of her comfy slippers. Chuckling softly, she walked over to her computer and switched it off, after printing her essay to the rec room. When she got there, she saw Swagger there. "Hey, (handle), what's up?"

"Just picking up my paper," she said, laughing a bit. "And you're doing the same, I'll assume?"

"Very smart," he said before a short, awkward chuckle.

"Hey— um, hey," she mumbled, trying to start an icebreaker, but reverting back to being shy. "What flavor chapstick do you use?" The last part could've been a whisper and it wouldn't have changed much.

"Sugar cookie," he said, rubbing his neck, and fishing in his pocket. He pulled out the stick and held it up.

"Damn," she replied, louder. "I could've sworn it was vanilla."

He smiled and reached for the stapler. "Does that mean you won't kiss me again?"

"Woah, woah, I never said that," she retorted through a smile, taking the stapler once he was done.

Without a smile or a hint of a joke to his voice, he put his essay and the chapstick down and turned towards her. "Do it, then."

Her eyes widened, and she clutched her paper a bit tighter. Her voice was caught in her throat. "N-now?"

The smile returned, and he breathed out a laugh. "Don't worry, it was just a joke."

She laughed nervously and backed out of the rec room, moving towards the exit.

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