Swoon: SMii7Y (p.4)

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The studying paid off, seeing as she passed all of her exams with flying colors and glowing reference letters. All of the college horror stories from her high school seemed like absolutely nothing, when she looked back on her experiences so far. It was amazing to meet new people and have new friends that she could go out and study with. But it was also nice to come back home and talk with Jaren, the sweet boy she'd met a week ago before her final exams. Now that she'd gotten the marks back, and knew she did well, her schedule opened completely up. 

It was incredible, turning on her PC at eleven a.m. without worrying if anyone was online, because she knew the answer to be 'yes'. Happily, as she checked the list of friends online, she saw Jaren and his band of buddies, all playing Siege. 

Happier still, as soon as she'd logged on, she'd gotten a Discord notification from Jaren himself, asking her if she would be joining them today, along with a description of who was already in the call. 


SMii7Y: hey

SMii7Y: will you be on? 

SMii7Y: it's me, eli, jay, and john 

SMii7Y: we need a fifth for r6

SMii7Y: if you want obvi

Me: I'd love to, if you guys are okay with that?

SMii7Y: yes!

SMii7Y: i mean they're always okay with you eher

SMii7Y: *here

SMii7Y: hurry we're on a losing streaj

SMii7Y: you get the point


As (name) joined the Discord server, most of the boys cheered. John and Jaren were some of the most vocal, holding her to the highest standard. She was their sometimes secret weapon, holding in her power, the Sometimes Clutch. 

Instead of playing well and using proper strategies, (name) could sometimes pull off ridiculous stunts. Flashing an enemy and shooting blindly occasionally got her one to two kills, where with others, it would result in their deaths. 

"Ayyy, (name)'s here. Jay, you don't have to tryhard anymore!" John said, enthusiastically waiting for Jay's hot temper to boil over.

"Man, I'm not even trying!" He yelled back, sighing afterwards. "Hey, (name), how's it going?"

"Guys... It's only eleven, why are you all so mad?" She asked, holding the bind for her mic down. 

Jay immediately shot back. "You goddamned Canadians, it's three here in Cali!" 

"How was she supposed to know that?" Jaren asked, laughing a bit. 

Jay huffed, still upset about his losing streak and his incapacity to be able to carry his team. 

Kieran spoke up and tried to calm down Jay, but failed miserably and melted into giggles immediately, when the other man screamed "Are you kidding me?!" at the top of his lungs. Another round of chuckles rang out through the Discord server, but the only laugh (name) actually cared about was the Canadian's. It was higher pitched than most of their laughs, but it was nice to listen to. Ezra, the other person in the Discord, wasn't talking. She didn't know why, but the squeaking laughter that ensued Jay's meltdown revealed exactly what he was up to. 

Most of the boys were recording content for their channels, she knew, so she didn't talk much. She didn't know how well that would go over for their female viewers. Absolute silence and sometimes laughing would suffice; once they announced that they were done recording, she would really start talking. 

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