Fourth of July: Kryoz

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Tyler smiled and ruffled his little sister's hair. "You don't have to make anything, but make sure you call your room before anyone else gets here, or you'll get the attic or something." 

Kelly waved. "Hey (name), I haven't seen you in a while." She walked over and hugged the younger girl. "How've you been?" 

"I've been well, thank you! How's the zoo?" 

The blonde woman's face lit up. "Oh, it's amazing. I would love to take you sometime this week, whenever you're free." She smiled brightly as one of their dogs ran up to her. "Hi, baby," she said in a high-pitched voice.

(name) shifted her backpack on her shoulder and grabbed her water bottle on the counter. "Is it okay if I take the back room, Ty?"

"Of course, but, uh, Kell and I got you something for your birthday, since we missed it by a few days." He held out a brightly colored box with a silver bow on it. 

She grinned. "Aww, you guys didn't have to get me anything, but I really appreciate it." She carried all of her stuff to the little room behind the kitchen. Setting the box on her bed, she pulled a small pillow out of her backpack and set it on the bed as well. 

(name) came back out of the room and yawned. 

"Jet lag?" Someone from the living room asked. 

"Yeah," she said, without looking, and smiled in their direction. It was Anthony, and she smiled more. "Ant!" 

"Hey, kiddo."  He opened his arms and they hugged briefly. "How are you?"

"I'm good! I missed you!" She grinned and Tyler walked into the living room. 

"Anthony! Hey!" Tyler chuckled and hugged him. "What's going on, man?" 

"Not much, not much. I think I passed Scotty on the way out here, and I heard from Nick earlier, before we left." 

"Oh, awesome. We bought some fireworks, and some drinks, so we're all set for the weekend." Tyler smiled, seemingly in his element with his friend. 

They went outside for a bit, but (name) stayed inside, to cool off in the air conditioning. The dogs surrounded her and stuck around her, until another car pulled up, and the dogs began to flip out. "Hey! Hey, relax, it's okay, hey--" She looked at the person in the doorway and smiled. "Scotty!" 

Yet another internet enigma walked into the building, and recognized her. "Hey! (name), how are you?" He walked over and hugged her quickly, and held her at arms length, looking her over. "You look well!" 

"I am! I'm just tired from the flight out here." She smiled and rubbed her arms, a little chilly after all the time in the cold house. 

"I get it. Chrissy and I just drove like six hours, because of the traffic, but flying must be a little worse." He shrugged and smiled. "Oh well. It's good to see you!" 

"You too! They're all outside, if that's who you're looking for." 

He nodded and went back outside, leaving his backpack by the stairs. Chrissy walked in and she grinned, running over immediately. "Hi there!" 



After more greetings and arrivals, (name) was pretty exhausted. She headed to her little room, and sat down for a bit. Sighing, she opened her laptop and clicked on Twitter, scrolling through her friends' posts and profiles. She saw the different places they were, and all the sunset posts made her wonder if her week at her brother's house would be better, but she hoped for the best, pushing the screen down. This weekend, she was going to hang out with people she wouldn't see until next summer, so it would be okay if she embarrassed herself even a little bit. 

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