Seriously: Kryoz

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"What do you mean, 'what,'?" She screamed, slamming her hand down on the counter.

"I mean, why is your shit packed by the door?!" He was near tears, but willed himself to not cry in front of her.

"Because I can't be here anymore!" Her hand slapped the smooth, marble counter again, but her voice shook.

"So why didn't we talk about it?!" John wiped at his eyes, and then balled his fists at his sides. "This is bullshit," he whispered.

"I can't stay with you anymore, you've done nothing right in this relationship!"

Finally, her words ruined his façade, and he broke. His tears spilled down his cheeks, splashing against the floor silently. With a shake of her head, she turned, and walked towards the door. She grabbed her stuff quickly, and, gripping the doorknob so tight that her knuckles turned white, she threw the door open, and slammed it behind her.

"John? Jooooohn!"

"Oh! Yes? Sorry, I was just..."

"Thinking, I know. You're always thinking." A gentle smile graced (name)'s mouth, as she reached up to lean her cheek on her cupped hand. Her wistful gaze was directed at him, as she watched the way his blue eyes would stay completely still when he thought, and how he would run a hand through his hair anytime he was nervous.

He smiled a little, and she grinned. His smile was beautiful, she thought, because it showed off little gaps in his otherwise-perfect teeth.

"Whatcha thinking about this time, Johnny-boy?" She asked, tipping her head a little.

"Well, missy, I'm thinking about how we're going to get your favorite movie and the best snack food there is out there."


A few hours later, they met back up. John pulled up to the girl's apartment complex and smiled at her from below her window.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

She smiled brightly and buzzed him in. Once he walked in, she giggled, and poked his arm. "I have my stuff ready to go, for our movie night!"

His eyes flashed with sadness, as he registered what she said. "You're... you're leaving?"

"Wh— yes, of course! We're going to your house for... for movie night..." Her eyes darkened with regret. He didn't like talking about what had happened in his past relationships, but she knew his last one was especially nasty.

He nodded, slowly, unable to hear what she was saying. "No, I... I get it, if you... have to, you— I won't keep you here..."

She gently placed her hands on his shoulders and stood on her tip-toes. "John!" She shook gently, still holding onto him tightly. "John, you have to listen to me!"

"(Name), I love you, you can't... you can't leave..."

"Wh— what did you say?"

"I said, I love you, (Name), and I can't let you go, so please don't leave me..."

She looked back into his eyes and realized that he had snapped out of his trance already, and was gazing at her, lovingly. "You... I— I wasn't, I was just saying, I'm ready for movie night..."

The confusion was obvious in her eyes, and he gently pried her hands off his shoulders and led them to his back, putting them in a fragile hug.

Her arms linked together, as she held onto him even tighter still. Losing him wasn't an option. He had become part of her world, part of her everything. Losing him meant parting with a piece of herself, and that wasn't something she thought she'd ever be ready for. 


"Yeah?" He asked quietly, almost like he was slipping back into his trance. 

"John, I love you too. And I don't ever want to lose you, or to even think about losing you. You mean too much to me, and thinking about you being gone is the scariest thing. I love our movie nights. I love your little snores when you inevitably fall asleep during those nights. I always wish they'd never end. Christ, I got my permit and my license so that I could drive to your place because being far away from you terrifies me. You got me out of such a dark hole in my life that I can't believe sometimes that you found me and not the other way around. I thought I was destined to be the outcast, the awkward girl that sat in the corner with no friends but a pair of earbuds and her phone, because it's always felt like that. Until you came along and changed everything."

By the end of her monologue, he had snapped back and was holding her tighter than he'd ever held anything. 

"Thank you, baby. Please don't let me go."

She smiled and gripped his back, stifling cries. 

"Why would I ever do that?"

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