Cheating: Kryoz

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this is another suggestion! i was so happy to receive this one, thank you all for your suggestions (: @TheCryingCloud requested this story

They were hanging out, as couples do. They were playing Mario Kart on the Wii U, and John was getting absolutely destroyed. It was a Saturday, a few hours before (name) had to go to work, when she stood up to use the bathroom. John stood up to change the HDMI to their PS4, so they could watch a movie.


She walked back into the room, and was immediately greeted by a firetruck-red John, angrily gripping her phone. His knuckles were red, and his eyebrows were knit together.

"How the fuck could you do this?" He asked, holding her phone out to her.

"Do what, John?" She squinted her eyes, trying to focus on the screen in front of her.

"Who is this? Why are there six hearts as their tag line?"

"Wait, John, calm down..." She stood there, idly. The situation was very absurd and surreal. (name) had no idea on how to calm him down, or what to do. So, instead, she stood there, and made him more and more angry.

He was in tears, she could see. The anger in his eyes was being replaced with glassiness. She tried to reach out and grab his arm, but her body was rooted in place. There was no way she could move to help, or even to defend herself.

John looked down, as the tears finally fell, and he swiped at his face. When he pulled his arm back, it was dark with tearstains in some spots. "Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore." He set the phone on the coffee table, and stood up straight. "I'll grab my stuff." His emotions had seemingly completely shut down. He wasn't talking, and when (name)'s emotions stopped paralyzing her, she chased after him to their room.

"John! Wait! Please, I promise it's all a misunderstanding, I can expla--!"

"Don't even try, please. This hurts me a lot, you know. I don't want you to try to make excuses." His voice was borderline robotic, and she couldn't take much of it anymore. He picked up his backpack that he used for traveling to conventions, and stuffed some clothes into it. John's arms and face were gleaming with tears, but they didn't slow him down when he shoved his laptop into the case she'd bought him. It had his name on it, with little silver stars engraved into the hard black plastic. "I'll be back later for some other stuff," he said, his voice shaking and wavering with little cracks.

"Please don't go, John, it's really not what it seems like!" She tugged on his sleeve, and was sobbing, harder than she'd ever cried.

He didn't hurt her, but gently pulled her hands off his arm. "Stop." The robotic, cold voice was back. "Stop it, let go."

She finally did so, letting his arm go, and stood back, near the bedside table he owned, and cried. She looked at the time, and realized that she only had ten minutes to clean herself up and get dressed for work. Instead of letting herself break down further, she walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. It helped a little, and gradually made her face stop puffing up. Then, in order to get ready for work, she swiped the mascara brush under her eyes, and pocketed it, in case she started crying again.

She grabbed her phone off the table, and immediately dropped it again, cracking it a bit on one of the corners. It wasn't a big concern of hers, and she threw it into the pocket with the mascara. She had a little pin that she was obligated to wear during working hours, and she put that in her pocket too. Her mental state was haywire, and she worried that she'd stab herself with it if she tried to put it on now.

Her door swung open when she tried. Nothing was binding her to the building. She locked the door, and dropped the keys in her pocket with little interest. If they'd hit the floor, it wouldn't have mattered. It would be one less thing to worry about. When she got to her car, she had to restrain her fists from punching the roof or one of the mirrors.

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