Friend-Zoned: McCreamy

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"Jay! Stop! I can't breathe!" The giggles from the sweet girl laying next to him interrupted her words.

He continued tickling her anyway, because of how beautiful her laugh was, and how her eyes sparkled every time she did so.

"Okay, okay, okay," he said, chuckling. "I'm done now."

She smiled still, and rolled over to his side, leaning up on her arm. The scent of freshly cut grass was around them, and the music festival droned on in the background. The music was absolutely horrid, but it gave Jay an excuse to see the wonderful girl who lay next to him.

"Why did you want me to come here today, Jay?" She asked, abruptly. It wiped the smile off his face, and replaced it with a dumbfounded frown.

"Wh—what do you mean? Why wouldn't I?"

"Well— I just— Claire." She finished her sentence with the single most hateful word Jay had been met with in his life.

"What about her?" He asked, his voice going completely flat. He glared at the music festival stage and tried to pretend that what was happening, wasn't.

"She's... she's crazy about you. I would feel bad intrud—" Her words cut off when she saw the look in Jay's eyes. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like talking about her."

"She's crazy, period! I can't take it, she follows me around everywhere and interrupts nice things like this! We were having such a good time, and now—..."

His eyes flashed to his left and he grabbed (name)'s arm. He jumped up and pulled her with him, practically dragging the (hair type) girl.

"Jay! Jay!! What the fuck—?!"

Except, when those words left her lips, she looked in the same direction and saw Claire standing there, just watching. Her lovesick eyes glared at (name), and there was nothing (name) wanted to do more than to run away with Jay forever. But the girl already with him had a different idea, as they jumped over the low guardrail, and ran towards the small car that Jay owned. The blanket they left behind was being picked up by the wind and almost took off, if it weren't for Claire scooping it up off the ground. "You forgot this!" She screamed, waving her arms and swinging the blanket around. 

Jay's eyes widened, and (name) opened her mouth without turning around. "Did you like that blanket?" 

"No, thank God," the boy replied, opening his car door and putting the key in the ignition. 

She climbed in after him and quickly buckled her belt, as the black-haired girl chased the car. "Jay! You left something behind!"

He shook his head and gripped the steering wheel. "I hope we don't get whiplash." 

The car's engine revved and whipped around, spinning its tires and zooming out of the parking lot. The car's security system started beeping, and Jay buckled his seat belt. The tires kicked up dust from the poorly paved road, and they laughed nervously. Thankfully, Claire wasn't running after them, but the sound of an electric scooter ripped through the air. His eyes rolled and he sighed, but kept driving. 

"If she follows me home again, I'm calling the police." 

"Just call the police anyway," (name) said, tired of not being able to spend any time with Jay without Claire interfering. 

"You know what? Let's go on an adventure this weekend." 


"I dunno, somewhere. Let's go to the next town over. But we'll go at night so she can't follow us, or she won't know to." 

"I guess, it sounds like it could be fun." 

He smiled at her, and her heart fluttered a little. It was really nice to drive with him, until they factored in the scooter that was riding the bumper of the small car. 

"Turn right," she mumbled, checking her phone. The car swerved to the right, and he downshifted, to make sure the car would stay on the ground, but he kept going as fast as he could. 

"Now left," she said, pointing to the street sign. "Oh, okay, stay straight but then there'll be a small opening in the woods, a house is maybe half a mile down that way." 

"Down this way?" 

The buzz of the scooter wasn't nearly as loud, and it kept getting quieter. 

"Yes." He followed her instructions, and the quaint little house sat on a grassy hill surrounded by trees and bushes. 

"How did you know where this was?" He asked, turning the engine off. 

"It's one of my friends' houses, but they're away at their parents', in America." 

"Oh." He smiled and turned towards her, unbuckling his belt and pulling the keys out of the engine. "Thank you for getting us away from her."

She smiled and nodded. "Sure, I think it was fun, even if she is absolutely crazy." 

He leaned a little closer, but (name) turned away, grimacing slightly. "Jay, I... I don't really like you like that..." 

He sighed and nodded, pulling away and looking out the window. 

"Look, I just wanted to help, and I thought maybe we could go watch a movie, but if you... If you wanna leave, that's okay." She unbuckled her seat belt and sighed, opening the car door. (name) walked towards the house and moved the potted plant on the porch, holding up a key. Jay was still in the car, as the sky became overcast and dark. "(Name)... I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Come inside before it starts storming." She held the screen door open for him, and stuck the key back under the plant. He climbed out of the car and half-jogged, half-walked towards the house, but it began sprinkling as soon as he even set foot out of the car. 

He looked away from her as he walked in the house and took off his shoes at the door. 

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