Swoon: SMii7Y (p.2)

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Once the boxes were finally arranged however they needed to be by Jaren's mother, he started to say his goodbyes. The girl, (name), was peculiar about the way she stood, always shifting her weight back and forth, no matter the room she was in. It was almost like she didn't feel comfortable sitting down. 

"Mom, call me if you need any more help." He started to open the front door, but froze and mentioned over his shoulder; "And... (name), if they ever get to be too much of a handful, let me know." 

A small, quiet chuckle came from the girl, which made Jaren smile. She didn't talk very much, but hearing her voice made him smile, even just briefly. 

His mother laughed a bit too, and smiled sweetly. "Off you go, Jaren. I have to see (name) out as well, she has exams later this week." 

Jaren nodded, and opened the door fully before stepping out. "Bye, guys!"


Back in his apartment, Jaren closed his door and walked towards his recording setup, where he had previously played Fortnite with his friends. He gently pushed the button that turned on his computer monitor, and leaned down to press another one, turning on the computer itself.
He stood back up and carefully stretched his back, wincing slightly at the tug and strain on his muscles from lifting the boxes. As he sat in his computer chair, he remembered (name)'s phone number was somewhere in his pocket, and vowed to look for it later, once he had won a few games of solo-queued Fortnite. Unfortunately, almost three hours later, he had still not won a game. Sighing, he stood back up and checked his pockets for the paper his mother had so diligently scrolled (name)'s number on. 

Jaren pulled a paper out of his pocket, but he fumbled and it fluttered to the floor, partially crumpled. Most of the numbers were intact, but some of them were slightly smudged.

"Six... One...," he muttered to himself, as he typed the numbers into his phone. He contemplated typing an elaborate sentence to really impress her, and instead settled with a simple, "Hey."
"Yeah. That ought to impress her," he thought aloud. 

Finally, Jaren's computer turned on, and he opened Discord to see who was online. Without surprise, he saw Kryoz, JohnOnTheRadio, and Fitz, all playing Counter Strike. As he entered the chat room, he was greeted by both Johns vaping very loudly. 

"He-he-hey, look who it is," Kryoz practically screamed. "It's my boyfriend!" 

Cam laughed it off, and made a witty remark, to which Kryoz flipped back on him. Everything seemed normal, until his phone pinged loudly in the background. 

Immediately, Kryoz jumped to make a joke. "That wasn't me, who are you texting, Smii7Y? Are you cheating on me?" 

Jaren chuckled a little, replied curtly, "No, of course not."

John hit his vape and yelled for Cam to watch A, as someone was hiding behind he sandbags.
Although he wasn't in the game, Lucas could tell that both Johns had died, and that it was up to Fitz to clutch the round, by the shrieks of agony. 

"Aww, c'mon, 98 in six...," Cam complained, checking his stats. 

Jaren laughed a bit and looked at the device that had made such a loud noise. There was a message preview waiting for him, reading, "May I ask who this is?" 

A small smile appeared on his features, as he pictured her formally typing messages. 

The boys had a few more rounds to go before they could invite Jaren, so he took his headset off and texted (name). 

"This is Jaren, from earlier, when you helped my parents move boxes :)", he typed, and then swiftly deleted. Before he could realize how long he'd taken to find a message, though, Kryoz was yelling through his headset to come back. As Jaren checked the time, he realized it had been twenty minutes since he had deleted his initial message. 

Without thinking much of it, he typed "Jaren", and shoved his phone in his pocket, and his headset over his ears. "Yes, yeah, I'm here, sorry." 

"Jesus, man, where have you been?" Cam sounded slightly concerned, but had a joking undertone to his voice. 

Toby chuckled, and muttered, "Probably getting himself off to John, if you know what I mean." 

To this, Fitz sighed. "John, not everyone is as gay as you are, alright?" 

Jaren could hear the smile in John's voice as he sighed as well and replied, "I know..."

After seven rounds of Counter Strike, Jaren's eyes had started to hurt. "Alright, guys. Thank you for the content, and I'll talk to you all tomorrow." 

He logged out of his computer, once again hearing the satisfying Discord disconnect noise before doing so. 

His phone reminded him that he had a message, once again, and instead of checking it, Jaren set his phone on his nightstand and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he wanted to throw his phone out the window. John was calling, again, at three in the morning.

"What? What do you want?"

"...Wow, for a Canadian, you're not being very ni—"

"Shut up, John. What do you want?" 

"I just wanted to talk about our relationship, I mean..." 

"John, I'm going back to bed," Jaren said in a drowsy, tired voice. 

"No! No, please don't..."

Jaren woke up a bit more. "What's the matter, John...?"

"I just... It's late, and you know how much my brain works when I can't sleep. I'm sorry," Kryoz whispered, his voice quietly fading towards the end. 

"No, hey, John. It's okay. Why don't you... Oh, I dunno, fly up here for a bit? I mean, it'll be fine, there's a YouTube show up here soon, it's kind of like this Canadian PAX thing." 

"That sounds great," John said, his voice coming back as strong as it had been before, with no hesitation.

"Wait... Really?" 

"Yeah, man. I haven't seen you in a while, I'll come up and we can hang out for a couple weeks or so. Does that sound okay?" 

Jaren was fully awake and functioning now. "Wh— Yes, of course, that sounds fine. Why don't you go to bed, and we'll talk more tomorrow?" 

"Okay. Goodnight, man," John said, yawning over his words. He sounded much more relaxed and calm than before, and although slightly shocked, Jaren was glad to have helped his best friend out. They hung up, and he checked his phone again, seeing the message from (name). 

"Hello, Jaren! I hope you got home well, and ate a good meal. I have exams tomorrow morning, though, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight! :)" The timestamp read 10:25, which meant that she was probably already asleep. 

He took the chance on messaging her anyway; "I did, thank you. I wish you luck on your exams tomorrow, and goodnight". 

Within thirty seconds, his phone pinged again, signaling another message. It wasn't from (name), it was from Craig. 

"John's going to Canada without us??" 

Jaren sent back a hearty "lol", and put his phone facedown on the nightstand, shoving a pillow over his head.

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