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***this isn't an actual chapter***

i was tagged by @TheCryingCloud,which was kind of them, thank you

uh, it's been a couple days, unfortunately, but i'll still do this just in case anyone wants to know about me. this isn't an actual chapter, and i try to keep my books impersonal so there aren't thirteen thousand notes by the author. 


one: my name is Ryan. 

two: i'm female, biologically. 

three: i'm pansexual.

four: i write the books i would like to read myself, so i try to make them as grammatically accurate as possible, with good and consistent plot lines, etc.

five: i have a younger brother.

six: i live in america, and have attended public school my whole life.

seven: people call me a hipster because of the things i like and dislike, but i don't mind.

eight: i play on my xbox whenever i have time because i genuinely hate spending time by myself. 

nine: my birthday is in july, and i get called a youngling by my friends for it.

ten: i'm excited to go back to school. 


i'm very excited for the spoiler, because i work hard on my stories, so here goes. the next one set to publish is part one of a mccreamy story, which i'll publish tomorrow. 

""Jay! Stop! I can't breathe!" The giggles from the sweet girl laying next to him interrupted her words.

He continued tickling her anyway, because of how beautiful her laugh was, and how here eyes sparkled every time she did so.

"Okay, okay, okay," he said, chuckling. "I'm done now."

She smiled still, and rolled over to his side, leaning up on her arm. The scent of freshly cut grass was around them, and the music festival droned on in the background. The music was absolutely horrid, but it gave Jay an excuse to see the wonderful girl who lay next to him."


i'm not sure what the next tag thing is, so ?


and i'm certainly not going to be able to tag twenty-eight people, so here're some people that've been pretty influential on my journey through writing my stories. 









and finally,



thank you all. the love and support means the world to me, i hope you all have a fantastic day. 

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