Swoon: SMii7Y (p.3)

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When he woke up, Jaren was groggy, and his phone had vibrated its way off the nightstand. He picked it up and glanced at the notifications quickly, and overlooked (name)'s text.

"Oh, shit," he whispered, banging his hand on the nightstand's corner. He grimaced and shook the pain out. "Fuck!" He swung his legs over the bed frame and onto the floor, lifting himself up and shoved his phone into the pocket of his hoodie.

The phone pinged again, as (name) messaged him, and again, as Craig's number popped up in the caller ID.

He pushed the green button and groaned, putting it up to his ear. "What the fuck do you want?" He asked when a voice started speaking.

"...Jaren?" (name)'s voice asked gently.

"Wh— huh? (name)?" He moved his phone to see that he'd pressed a green button to call her, instead of answer Craig. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I thought my friend was calling, I didn't mean to swea—," he started, rambling on until she interrupted.

"Hey, it's alright, I understand. I got the message as soon as I got a random call," she said, making it all into a small joke, and chuckling a bit.

"Heh, yeah, I guess so...," he mumbled, blushing faintly. "Anyway, I'm sorry, I hope you have a nice day." He spoke fast, and hung up quick, blushing from absolute embarrassment.

Slamming his phone back on his nightstand, almost cracking the screen, he sat back on his bed slowly. He lifted his knees to his chest and held his head in his hands, staring at the lint covering his pajama bottoms.

"Fuck," he whispered after a bit. He felt embarrassed, as expected, but her well wishing at the end of the call made his blush even darker. She was such a sweet person, and the fact that she cared enough to even say something after he cursed at her amazed him beyond words.

He picked up his phone one more time, and typed out a lengthy text, erased it, started to rewrite it, and then erased it again. He settled for "Thank you for not being upset, I hope you have a lovely day, sincerely :)", and gently set his phone screen-down on the nightstand once more.

Without waiting to see her answer, he stood up, and walked to the messy pile of clothes on his computer chair. He shed his nightclothes and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He put on one of his "damb." hoodies too, just to self-promote. He left his room, but ran back in three minutes later when his ringtone for John went off, and he answered immediately.

"Hey, man, what's up?"

"Dude, you sound like you just woke up."

"That's because I did," Jaren answered with a small chuckle.

"Well, wake up. You have to come get me in a few hours!" John sounded more excited than Lucas had heard him in a really long time.

"How many hours exactly?" Jaren asked, stifling a yawn.

"Hmm... Six, I think. And I didn't pack a lot of stuff, so don't worry."

Jaren feigned a sigh of relief and smiled. Six hours would be enough to clean up some. Knowing himself, though, he knew he would procrastinate more than actually cleaning. "Sounds good, man, I'll have the place ready for you. You'll have to be on my couch again, if that matters."

"No, of course not. I'm just happy you're letting me stay over." John's smile was almost audible, and it made his best friend smile, too.

His phone vibrated in his hand, and he moved it from his ear for a second to see the reminder for a message from his mother. "So what do you wanna do when you get here?"

"I dunno, what do most Canadians do? Tend to their moose and their maple trees?"

The Canadian boy let out a laugh, as the joke between them came up again. "Maybe when I come visit you, we'll have to herd some cattle, then," Jaren retorted.

A chuckle came through the crackly speaker, and John's voice became more and more distorted. "I'm driving to the airport now, I'll talk to you later!"

"Bye," the enigma known online as SMii7Y replied, and hung up. He checked the message from his mom, which asked for his help again.

He had six hours, though, so he agreed, and grabbed his coat.


With wide eyes, (name) slowly moved her phone from her ear. Why did he swear like that? It seemed crazy that he would talk to anyone like that; what if it had been his mother?

Thankfully, though, it wasn't. And she had had the opportunity to hear his voice again.

He was so sweet back at his mother's house, though maybe that had been a façade, she supposed.

Anyway, it was exam week, and the textbooks in front of her were far more important than an accidental call.

"Physics," she whispered, reading the titles in her planner. "Calculus, history... What first?" After completing a round of eenie-meanie-miney-mo, she determined that calculus was the first to go.

She pulled the heavy book into her lap and delved into the difficult questions, but soon zoned out and began to think of the boy she had only met yesterday. He was so interesting, and cared so much about his mother.

"I can't imagine what dati—" she began, cutting herself off. "Nevermind, it's not important."

Quietly, from under the depths of her blankets, came the ringtone for her old roommate, Jennifer. She pawed at the blankets, accidentally swatting the phone across the room, and under the computer desk that held a laptop, two monitors, and a portable printer.

"Oh, shit..." She ran over to find it, and managed to knock over a small organizer with books and pencils on it. Everything clattered to the floor, and she sighed. The ringtone stopped, and went to voicemail. "She's gonna be so mad..."

Finally, she found her phone and lifted it to her face, seeing that it was not an emergency because there was no flood of texts accompanying it. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth, and she went back to her calculus book and actually managed to study for a few hours.

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