Friend-Zoned: McCreamy (p.2)

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He stepped into the mudroom that fronted the house, and existed before the living room. His muddied shoes sat on a little stretch of carpet that was used as a shoe rack, and he walked towards the quaint little living room, which was connected to the kitchen. There were only a few appliances, but there was a massive television mounted on the wall. Instead of the television being wireless, though, there was a massive tangle of wires leading to a VCR, with a stack three feet tall of tapes. He stood near the stack in his childrens' firetruck socks, occasionally picking up tapes and looking at the names or the ratings that were taped to the back. Some looked like home videos, or self-recorded movies. There were words in Sharpie on some of them, like one about a Lochness monster, or another one about Bigfoot.

He bumped the side of it, and accidentally knocked over the stack. "Oh, shit..." He muttered, and clumsily tried to grab as many as he could before they all hit the floor. Jay held his hands up, only managing to grab six of the tapes, out of maybe sixty, and sighed quietly. "I am so sorry," he mumbled, scrambling to re-stack all of them, before (name) had to help.

She smiled and held back a laugh. Even though she'd turned him down, he was acting more and more adorable. She watched, as he stacked, knocked over, re-stacked, and re-knocked over the pile three times. "Let me help you, you doofus." She pushed him aside and laughed a bit, quickly rebuilding the tower.

He blushed a little, and stepped back so that she could fix the pile of tapes.

She looked up at the blond boy, bending over to pick up a romance movie. "Which one's that?" She asked, leaning over to see.

It was The Notebook, someone had burnt it onto a tape. He held it out to her, and she took it from his hand, their fingers touching briefly. She didn't think about it, and walked towards the VCR. She pressed the button to release one if there was one already in the system, and then inserted the tape.

He watched (name) walk towards the couch after turning off the lamplight and the ceiling lights. "Come sit with me," she said, patting the couch next to her.

He stood up, moving over slightly, not wanting to upset her in any way or make her think he was flirting. Rain was coming down hard now, outside, and the movie began. He watched her in his peripherals as she started leaning forward, falling asleep.

He looked at her, head on, and reached for the pillow behind the couch. He stood up, not even paying attention to the movie, and tucked it under her head and neck so she wouldn't be sore when she woke up, and worked on finding a blanket that was warm enough, but not heavy enough to wake her.

When he found one, he laid it over her and marveled at how her hands closed around a hem. He wondered quietly if her hands were soft, or rough, the way his were, from all the automobile work he did. He wondered if her hands would fit nicely into his.

He wondered all this, and closed the curtains. The room was now entirely dark, so he turned on a lamp, across the room, as to not wake her, and walked to the mudroom to get his shoes. Staying here wasn't in his best interest, and Jay already felt like crying.

His shoes on, he opened the door, locked it, and closed it, hoping she'd be able to find someone to get her home from there. Maybe that boy she was always texting would. If not, there was no answer Jay could provide. In any event, he jiggled the doorknob, making sure that it was shut tight, and walked to the car.

It started as soon as he turned the keys, and he sighed, not really wanting to leave, but also wanting it more than anything. She'd really hurt him, and he wanted nothing more than to hurt her, by leaving her behind and being stoic.

He left, turning his phone on silent, and driving around the small, quiet, dirt roads.

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