Raindrops: RaccoonEggs

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***this is another suggestion, from @PennywiseEggos -- enjoy!***

(name)'s brother shoved the envelope into her hands. "You can't keep putting this off."

"Putting what off?" She asked, sighing and ripping open the envelope. "This is just a car--... For the Vidcon party? Why are you even taking me?" She held the card up and flipped it over a few times.

He smiled. "Because you're pretty cool, and I think you'd like some of my friends. They don't smoke as much as I do, but they're still pretty cool, and..."

(name) laughed. "Alright, fine. Fine. But you owe me. And--"

"And what? This is a favor. You'll have fun," he promised, before shoving a big metal Templar helmet over his head.

"Do I have to address you as 'Swagger' like everyone else now?" She asked, with a short chuckle.

The cold helmet stared back at her, and didn't laugh. "Yes. This is very important to me."

"Okay, okay, I get it." She stopped smiling and grabbed her cellphone, and then her earbuds, in case the 'friend' thing didn't work out. He smiled, but it was invisible under the helmet, so he rubbed her arm in a friendly way to try to comfort her. His keys jingled as he picked them up, and walked to the front door. The online enigma, SwaggerSouls, held the door for his younger sister, (name). She ducked under his arm, and walked to the car sitting in the driveway. She stepped into the passenger seat, and buckled up.

Soon enough, they were on their way to the event, from their motel room. The motel was disgusting, and they'd both done everything they could to get away from it. The walls and carpet had black splash marks and what looked like oil on the floor. The bathroom was moldy and the walls were green, and (name) didn't know if it was mold or the paint color.


When they arrived to the event, lots of people were lined up outside the building. 'Swagger' and (name) flashed their creator passes to the bodyguards that were lined up like bouncers outside a bar. After a short security mix up involving his helmet, they walked into the large area where the events were happening. There were panels for creators to talk to their fans, little concession areas, where one could pick up various things, like hoodies and stickers, or buttons. There were even snacks there, in case anyone got hungry. But because it was California and a dispensary was around the corner... There were a lot of people with the munchies.

Eric and some of his friends had a small panel about half an hour after he and his sister had arrived, so he left her at the door to go sort some things out. On the drive down, his phone had blown up, and she knew there had been some problems they wanted him to fix. What they could be, she had no idea of.

The foyer of the building was massive, and, even though it was early, it was already almost packed. To avoid the awkwardness of walking around by herself, she walked towards the panel her brother was apparently moderating.

"Hi, everybody," his cheery voice rang through the area. "So, a short delay. I'll be taking care of delivering questions and whatever else you guys need. It'll begin in maybe..."

Someone from one of the fold-up chairs on the stage mumbled something, and Swagger spoke into the microphone he was holding. "Twenty minutes, that sounds good." Some people from the small-ish crowd booed, but he waved them off. "I know, it's asinine. But our other mod was overbooked for today, and we didn't find out until this morning."

The parents in the crowd sighed, and rolled their eyes. "What are we even here for?" (name) heard a middle-aged mother ask her son, who was maybe sixteen.

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