Sweet Coincidence: SwaggerSouls

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She entered the Counter Strike Surf server and heard someone with a deep voice shoutcasting for one of the other players.

She pressed G, the bind for her mic, and spoke in a voice to rival the man, casting for her own teammate. "Oh! And he's off, speeding through the map, but— look! He's fallen off, ladies and gentlemen, and this is how heroes fall."

The other shoutcaster abruptly stopped and continued listening, as a new match began. He died right away, and started spectating (name) to relay her every move to the entire Surf server. His deep voice made it seem as though he was in his thirties, or maybe his late twenties.

"Jesus Christ, did you see that twist? A solid three-sixty, and, oh!, what a shot!"

A short giggle came from the girl's mic as she accidentally pushed the key bound for her to talk in-game.

His smile widened and he realized how much worse she was playing since he started shoutcasting. That didn't stop the loud cries when she clutched a jump, though, if anything, it made them louder.

His phone buzzed and he decided to stop for a second and check it. It was his notification for his college, reminding him that a massive essay was due in six hours.

"Shit, guys, I gotta go. Hey, (name), add me on Steam, please?"

Another soft laugh came from her quiet mic, and she replied, "Sure, alright. You have to message me your number though, I have an essay for school that I put off until late."

"Yeah, okay, me too."

"Really? Is it for history?"

"Yeah, actually. With Columbus?"

"Wow, no way! Yes!"

A random in the Surf server spoke up. "Would you two lovebirds go get your own server? We're trying to play here, your mush is getting gross."

To that, another voice spoke up, "Heh, giggity."

A few other people laughed at that, but (name) had already left the server. Shortly after, so did her co-caster.

Her short message popped up on his computer screen, containing her phone number and 'xx' afterwards. "What a dork," he muttered as he punched the numbers into his phone.

"Yo," he sent to the number, changing her contact name from "CS Chick" to her Steam handle.

"Howdy," was all the response read.

"So do you like the school campus? Should I drop by to see the rival caster?"

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were hitting on me," she sent back, creating a wide, genuine smile.

"So what if I am? I need a friend to help with this essay, I didn't understand the lesson," he flirted gently, biting his lip in contemplation before sending it.

"It seems like more than just that," she sent back after a bit. A moment later, she sent a dorm building, floor, and number.

His smile only grew bigger, and he stuffed his laptop into his bag, grabbed a hoodie, his keys, and ran out of the room, crashing into his roommate on the way out.

"Shiiiit, dude," the older boy remarked, stoned out of his mind. "Watchhh it, man."

"Right, C, absolutely. Having a field day in Marissa's room, I see?"

"Hell yes, she's having a party later, there's gonna be a lot of alllcohol," the older boy said, singsonging the last part.

"Oh, lovely. I met someone online, she's gonna help me with my homework. Bye, C," the online enigma SwaggerSouls muttered, before rushing off yet again.

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