Sit With Us: Grizzy (p.2)

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***i wasn't going to make this, since i didn't think the first story was going to do so well, but looking at how it actually did, i'm glad i branched out for my boys. here's a part two, and i have more on the way!***

Her phone pinged, once more, as she stood at the bathroom sink. There was no one else in the bathroom, and she glanced at the little screen that poked out of her backpack, sitting on the floor.

"Why don't you come sit with us?" was the last thing she wanted to read, but she was ready for it anyway. What else could happen to mess the rest of the day up? Another opportunity to make herself look like the ultimate fool?

She washed her hands and considered her options. She could walk out there confidently and look arrogant, or she could walk out nervously, and ask if it was okay if she sat with them. What if they already pulled out a chair for her? What if she had to drag her own over and managed to knock it over in the process? Would they look at her weird now that they knew she knew about their channels?

Her thoughts were doing everything but calming her, so she tried to relax, and reached for a paper towel. The dispenser was empty, and she sighed, shaking her hands out and then rubbing them on her leggings.

"Okay. It's easy, (name), just breathe." She wrung her hands out, and took a deep breath, before walking out of the bathroom. No one was in the hallway, and it was smooth sailing so far. She took careful steps towards the cafeteria doors, and opened them. No one raised their eyes to meet her, except Nelson. His eyes met hers, and his face lit up in a smile.

Her heart crumpled up, and subsequently swelled, prideful that he cared so much that she was back. His hand lifted, and she smiled back, waving.

The walk to the table was almost agonizingly long, until she sat down in a chair next to the curly-headed boy. He smiled and patted it, when she'd gotten close, and was clearly happy that she'd taken the seat.

"Hi there," Kieran said, almost nervously.

"Hi," she said, her voice barely higher than a whisper. "How are you?"

"I'm well," he answered, looking at Kaden and Jay nervously.

Nelson smiled and looked back over at Kaden. "Okay, so anyway, what the hell were you talking about? The new ops are gonna be great, that's such bullshit."

"No! Hear me out, okay? Having an operator throwing a Bandit battery sounds overpowered as fuck, and I don't see how it'll let Bandit be useful anymore!"

"But having a Bandit and Kaid on the same team would be a ridiculous amount of utility, so what's your point?" Jay threw in, unfazed by the arguing.

"Woah, wait, why would that even be allowed? That's way too much utility, the team would be unstoppable—"

"Not if they had a Thatcher," she mumbled, looking down at her lap.

Nelson looked over, his face going slightly red from arguing and laughing, and whispered back. "What'd you say?"

"Thatcher might become more used as an op., if they add Kaid in the way they're going to. Besides, he's still going to get nerfed a ridiculous amount."

He smiled, and nodded. "You're right."

"Do you play?" Kaden asked, looking up at her from his sandwich.

"Yeah," she said, a little more confidently, and pulled at a stitch in her leggings. "Plat 1."

"You are not!" Kieran yelled, slamming his hand on the table. "We're only golds, there's no fucking way you're a plat!"

She giggled a little, seeing Kaden and Jordan laugh at their friend's outburst.

"She watches some pro-league," Jay answered, thinking back. "The last time I came over to help her dad with something, she was sitting on her couch and taking notes."

"I—I was not!" She blushed furiously and grabbed the seat of her chair tightly. "I don't take notes, I was just— doodling," she retorted, going from yelling to mumbling.

He laughed, and, to her embarrassment, so did Nelson.

"Oh! My best friend watches pro-league," Kaden said, almost shouting in excitement.

Jordan looked up from his phone, similarly unfazed from the arguing, and looked at Kieran. "Don't you watch PL sometimes?"

"N-no," he answered, stuttering. "It's for nerds."

Nelson's phone pinged, and he picked it up, smiling at the message on it.

Her heart fell, seeing a heart next to the person's name, but picked back up when her own phone buzzed, and saw his name.

Grizzy: I hope you don't mind them
Grizzy: They're really annoying
Grizzy: But I hope you come and sit with us all the time
Grizzy: I think you're funny, and your laugh is cute

Her heart fluttered, skipping beats wildly. It buzzed one more time, and she saw that the heart on Nelson's phone was next to Jay's name.

Grizzy: Maybe you can give me those notes over some food tomorrow night 

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