So Unfair: SMii7Y (Final Song)

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He slammed his hand down onto his alarm clock, and was jolted back into a world where a random woman was laying next to him. He looked at her, and studied her face, seeing that she wasn't the one he wanted to be there. He pulled the covers down and looked at himself, seeing that he wasn't wearing a shirt, but his underwear were riding low on his hips. She was wearing all of her undergarments, which was a blessing in itself. 

He stood up and felt his head pound slowly and methodically, as he walked towards a pair of sweatpants on his dresser. He picked them up and slipped them on, trying not to fall over. He was nauseated, and the room was spinning around him. Jaren, the brunet boy he was, walked towards the kitchen with only his bottom half covered, not initially seeing the girl sitting on the counter of their shared apartment. She was eating a bowl of her favorite cereal, with her headset on. She never walked anywhere without music playing into her ears, and it was one of the things he liked so much about her. She shunned the outside world so that she could be herself. 

He tapped her thigh, and smiled at her little jump. 

"Hi," he said, looking at her face as she pulled her headset off. "What's up?" 

She looked away from his eyes, and held her headset, staring at the floor. She pushed the little buttons on the side, but didn't look at him. 

He looked at her, trying to catch her eyes, even though she kept avoiding him. 

"Nothing," she said, in a voice colder than anything he'd ever heard her use. 

He didn't know how to respond but she helped by standing up and grabbing her bowl of cereal and walking towards her room. He grabbed her elbow, to keep her from turning around without leaving, and pulled her back. 

She turned red and hugged her cereal to her chest, hoping he wouldn't continue trying to talk with her after everything that'd happened yesterday. 

Instead, he kept his hand on her elbow, until she turned around, still holding her bowl to her chest, with her headphones around her neck. 

"What's the matter?" He asked again, still gently holding her arm. 

She still avoided his eyes, instead looking at his chest, and his shoulders. She remembered the few nights when he held her, knowing that she was really hurting and that he could help her. She hadn't turned her headset off, so they could both hear the electronic music pouring out of it. 

"Don't let this be our final song, ooh... Take us to a higher ground, here and now, whatever you do, just don't look down..." The song kept bumping on, causing him to look at her face more intensely than before. 

"That's the song I showed you," she mumbled. The song she'd shown him, the night after they'd kissed. She was worried about losing him, but he made sure she knew that it wouldn't happen. 

"I remember," he whispered, leaning closer to her, grabbing the bowl and setting it back on the counter. He held his arms out, and she wanted, more than anything, to jump directly into them, and stay there forever. But she thought about Kristen, his new girlfriend. 

She, instead, pushed his arms aside and grabbed her bowl again, and walked directly into her room. There was nothing he could do, as he helplessly watched someone he cared for so dearly, leave him behind. 

He walked back into his own room after taking headache medication with some water, and looked at the girl lying in his bed. Her blonde hair was a mess, and her lipstick had stained his white pillowcase. She looked much less attractive when he had a blood-alcohol content higher than legal. 

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