Part 28: Here Comes Your Man

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You kissed Tom again and he gently pushed you away, chuckling

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You kissed Tom again and he gently pushed you away, chuckling.

"No, Y/N, really. I can't be late."

You sighed, "Spoilsport."

He ran a hand over his hair and straightened his tie. You fixed his collar and smoothed his lapel down. Damn, he smelled good.

"You really do look smashing," you said giving him a quick kiss. He couldn't blame a girl for trying.

"So you'll join me for the after party then? No parents, just some music and dancing?" he shot you his most adorable puppy dog eyes. He probably used those eyes to get whatever he wanted his whole life, you thought. It totally worked.

"Fine. Compromise, right?" you relented.

"Exactly!" he clapped his hands together, "Okay, so I'll send a car to get you in a few hours. Wear something nice." He hurriedly kissed you, "Sorry, but I got to go," then disappeared through the door.

You smiled to yourself. Wear something nice. When was the last time you were told to wear something nice? It's been awhile. Jason's idea of 'nice' was jeans with no holes in it. Speaking walked over to the box of photos and picked it up. You hesitated for a second, then grabbed that photo of him, shoving it into your pocket before taking the box over to the bin and chucking it inside. Fuck off, you thought, then headed to the shower to clean up.

You received a text two hours later from an unknown number: Here.

I guess that's my ride, you thought. You took a last look in the mirror. You opted for a dress you bought earlier today while out shopping. Short, sequined and extremely flattering to your curves. It seemed to fit the whole 'nice' bill .

"Not bad," you admired your reflection, then grabbed your clutch and headed out the door.

"Not bad," you admired your reflection, then grabbed your clutch and headed out the door

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A black town car idled in front of you building, the driver standing to greet you

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A black town car idled in front of you building, the driver standing to greet you. You smiled at him and he nodded, holding the door open for you. You crawled in expecting to see Tom.

"Hey, Y/N." It was Harrison. He was in a midnight blue suit, looking really put together. Last time you saw him he was rather shitfaced.

"Hi Harrison. Where's Tom?" You scooted in the backseat, crossing your legs.

"He's supposed to speak tonight. Was afraid he might miss it, so he asked if I'd come and escort you to the hotel." He handed you a champagne flute.

"Figured you'd want to catch up," he grinned, pouring you a glass.

You smiled at him, "Thank you. I'm not one to say no to free booze." He clinked his glass against yours and you took a sip, settling into your seat.

"How was the gala?" you asked.

"It was great! Everyone's heading over to the club to continue the party. Why didn't you come to the gala to be with Tom?" he topped your glass off with more bubbly.

You cringed a bit, "His parents were there, right? I don't think we're at the meeting-the-parents stage."

"Yeah but his parents are awesome and everyone was asking about you," he said.

You choked on your drink a bit, "Everyone?" you asked with wide eyes.

Harrison laughed at the look on your face, "Yes, everyone. The boys - Sam's dying to meet you. Tom's mum and dad."

His mum and dad?! "What?" Oh god, you thought.

"Did you think they didn't know about you, Y/N? Tom talks about you all the time." Harrison frowned at you like you were dense or something. Maybe you were. You didn't consider that people in Tom's life would know about you or that you'd even be a topic of conversation.

"What does he say about me?" You took another sip, pretending you didn't care but damn if you didn't!

"That you're great in bed," Harrison winked.

This time, you spilt half the glass onto the floor of the car, some onto your leg. Harrison burst out laughing.

"I'm joking, I'm joking." He dabbed the wet spots on your leg with a napkin. You snatched the napkin from him and glared.

"You're an asshole, you know that?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he continued to laugh, "but you should have seen your face!"

You crumbled up the napkin and threw it at him.

"Not cool. I'm kind of a wreck at the moment," you said quietly, "Actually, I'm terrified ,if I'm going to be honest."

"About what?" he asked.

"Just...everything that lies ahead," you weren't quite sure why you were telling him this. Tom's best mate is probably the last person you should talk to about your romantic concerns.

Harrison nodded, "Tom told me about your talk. You have nothing to worry about, Y/N. He's completely mental about you. He even said that-"

The door opened and a hand appeared.

"Miss? We've arrived," said the driver. You looked at Harrison who nodded, then took the driver's hand, stepping out onto the curb. Harrison followed and extended his arm, which you gladly took because heels and champagne did not make for good bedfellows.

The hotel lobby was swank and grand. People were milling around in tuxedoes and extravagant gowns. You felt a little like Alice. I guess that makes Harrison the White Rabbit, you thought.
You could hear music pumping from the far right, which Harrison was leading you to. Through the double doors was a sea of people, dancing, drinking, whooping it up. The music was nearly deafening and the dim lighting was shattered every now and then with bursts of blue and purple from the strobes.

There were so many bodies moving and swaying, how in the world were you going to find Tom? Harrison must have thought the same thing, because he craned his neck and slowly surveyed the space with a slight frown.

"There," he shouted over the music, pointing. You followed his finger through the crowd and saw Tom across the room. He was flanked by his brother, Harry, and some other fellow. He was stared at you, mouth agape, beer in hand. Even from the far side of the room, his gaze excited you.

Harry nudged him and Tom, stumbled forward, then made his way through the crowd towards you. Every step closer, your heart pounded harder. You gripped your clutch tighter, and told yourself to breathe. Here comes your man, you bit your lip, reminded of The Pixies song. Finally, Tom appeared in front of you. You exhaled. He looked you up and down, taking in your appearance. You felt exposed, like he was undressing you with his eyes. Maybe that's exactly what he was doing.

You were about to say something to that effect when he grabbed you, dipped you and planted his lips on yours. You gripped his arm, startled by the move, then slowly brought your other hand up to the nape of his neck, sliding your fingers around his curls as your lips continued to kiss.

He pulled his lips from yours and whispered in your ear, "You look stunning. What are you trying to do to me?" before setting you back on your feet again.

His breath in your ear was enough to make you weak-kneed and giddy. You found yourself blushing girlishly and had to take a moment to compose yourself. Couldn't give him absolute power, now could you.

You raised an eyebrow and ran a tongue across your lips, "Hello to you too, Tiger."

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