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I stretch my arms and legs finally getting up from the ride. Andres head is plastered to the train window as he sleeps.

"Aye!" I shout hitting him in the head making his head ricochet off the glass. He jumps up holding his face and all I can do is laugh. "Hey! Jerk."

"Should have stayed awake." I tease running off the train.

We rented another car to get back to aunt Mika's house. No matter how many times I begged Andre to drive faster he insisted on "staying safe."

We finally get there and I couldn't believe my eyes. I stare up at the huge house that greets me. They must have moved because they used to live in a tiny apartment. We walk to the door and Andre opens it for me with his key. The inside is prettier than the outside. Chandeliers, flat screen tv's, rooms bigger than my house put together.

"Mom! I'm home and I have this nuisance with me!" Andre yelled from the living room. I smack him in the stomach as the kitchen door swings open.

Aunt Mika???

A pretty lady with cream brown hair put up into a sloppy bun and big brown eyes stands at the kitchen door frame. She's dressed in a black tube top that fits her body perfectly and black jeans.

"LYRIC?!? Is that you??" The lady asked running towards me.

Is SHE really asking me that? I should be asking the questions. She takes me in her arms squeezing hard.

"Are you aunt Mika?" I ask separating myself.

"I know it's been a while but not that long. You don't remember me?" Before I could say anything Andre puts his arm around her shoulder. "Mom please you don't look anything like how you used to."

So this is aunt Mika.

"Oh shut up! I look exactly the same. Oooh lyric I love your outfit." My eyes widen and I stare at Andre in disbelief. "Thank you....aunt....Mika. I'll just go and......pack? Yeah pack."

"Ok that's fine I'm just making lunch, Andre go show her, her room." He grabs my arm and leads me upstairs to a room bigger than my house. The room has a neatly made up king sized bed pressed against the wall and lined up with a big flat screen tv, next to the bed is a tiny table. I notice a desk on the other side of the room then the big mirror and even a vanity set. The closet is enormous. A walk in that I didn't need. I don't even have that much clothes.

I turn to Andre trying to contain my excitement. "You said aunt Mika got worse, I thought you meant she got more strict." I glare setting my suitcase down.

"She did get worse! She's out of control! She lets me do whatever I want and even tried to get me to go to a club with her...THATS ILLEGAL."

My eye twitched.

"Are you dumb?" I ask not really caring for the answer. "You know what... I don't care, get out." I push him out my room closing the door in his face.

What person responds to a situation like this, like that?!?

I wonder if my mom even knows that she's not like good ol' aunt Mika anymore . The old aunt Mika would have locked me in a basement for wearing what she's wearing. I throw myself on the big bed,after taking off my jeans and replacing them with shorts. And snuggle into the covers, knowing I have to unpack and get ready for school tomorrow, I drift to sleep.


"Hey you. Get up." A pair of hands shake me and I jump up from sleep slapping the figure in front of me.

"OW!" I snuggle deeper into my covers ignoring the figure shaking my again. "Leave me alone Andre!"

My eyes lazily swayed open.





I jump up, throwing punches. The guy dodges each punch I throw so instead I grab the pillow behind me and smack him hard in the head.

He let out a "oof" and falls to the ground. I rush to my feet and stand on the bed looking down at him on the floor.

"Yeah! What did you think this was, huh??!? Trying to break into my room you creep?!" I grab another pillow and throw it on him. "Ow! What are crazy or something?" He asks curling up on the ground like he was dying. "You're the one that's in my room! I don't even know you."
I jump off of my bed and quickly dig in my bag.

"IS EVERYTHING OK IN HERE?!" Andre rushes in with his fist up in an old man manner. I face him keeping my hand in my bag. "No this creep is in here!"

"Thats not a creep, lyric." He said putting his fist down. "I'm sorry," he chuckled. "I sent him up here to wake you up for school."


I release the knife that I was about to pull out and hide it further in my bag.

"Yeah you wacko!" The boy yells struggling to get up from the floor. "I think you broke something." He whines messing with his nose. I give him a blank look. "It was a pillow..."

"Well names Scotty ," he holds his hand out for me but I just stare at it. "You know..." Scotty slides an arm over my shoulder, "I was too busy getting ambushed by pillows to notice that you are cute."

"Ugh. Oh god." I shrug his arm off of me and walk over to Andre.

"Get this creep out before I kick him in the balls."

"Lyric you cant kick him in the balls."

"Cause he doesn't have any?"

"No. Because he's my friend."

"That never stopped me before.."

Andre grabs Scotty and leads him out the room.

"Just get dressed."
Sorry this one is so short I just really wanted to update

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