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I rip my arm from Dylan's grip as soon as the coast is clear.

"What the fuck is your problem?"  I rush out feeling the tears brim my eyes. seeing mercury brung up a bunch of locked up feelings.

"Keep walking inmate." Dylan growls.

"Oh so it's inmate now? I thought it was lyric or  'I want to kiss you.'" I say mocking him. Suddenly a bell rings in my head. "You're fucking jealous."

He grabs my arm again and begins walking again. "Get off of me." I scream snatching my arm away again.

"Are you resisting inmate?" Instead of the usual smile Dylan wore, instead there was an ugly frown plastered on his face.

"Is there a problem?" A guard asks, stopping me in my tracks.

"We got a struggler." Dylan states putting my arm back in his Hold.

"How about we take her to the hole?" The other guard grows an evil grin on his face.

"Nah, I don't think it's that serious...." Dylan trails off.

The guard snatched my arm away from Dylan and puts my hands in cuffs. "It's always that serious." The guard responds, making me gulp.

The hole is the one place I have yet to have visited due to Dylan. He's always kept me from other guards and making excuses for me. However this guard won't let up.

I get yanked away from Dylan and the guard twists my arm as we walk. I try my best not to react at the burning pain.

"I've been watching you, inmate." The gaurd says through gritted teeth in my ear. "You've been getting away with a lot." He twists my arm harder.

I wince in pain. He leads me out into the prison yard where majority of the inmates are. They stare me down as the guard escorts me to wherever.

"What!" I bark.

"Shut The shit up, inmate." The guard leads me to a place far out in the field with a little shed in the ground.

"What are you going to kill me?" I ask with a raises eyebrow.

"I'm not a murder, like you." He purrs into my ear. I cringe as his hot breath suffocates my earlobe.

Before I could say anything he opens the shed and throws me in. I land on my ankle and feel it twist right before my head smashes into the concrete floor. My vision slowly fades as my head rings with pain.


A bright light glows onto my eyelids and they flutter open.

A figure stands in the shed opening. The figure has a gun in its hand. I quickly jump from my sluggish state and crawl backwards until My back hits a wall.

A whimper sets out of my mouth and I shut my eyes as the figure walks into the shed.

My hands go up to my hair, and I squeeze tightly in anticipation.

All the memories of my life flood around me.


Since I was a little toddler, barely able to walk.

The daycare my mom set me in.

The guy that decided it was ok to give me a "bad touch" while I was there.

Even though I was only five when it happened, it seems like it was happening right now.

I told him 'bad touch!' But he didn't listen.

The police men, who just figured I was a kid filled with lies.

Moving. Again and again.

I started acting out.

Moving. Again and again.

I rock back and forth as the memories seem to flood in faster and more vividly.

Suspended, expelled, detention, jail.

Shame, disappointment, blame.

It was all rushing in faster.



All the terrible memories and now I'm going to die. Like Asher died.


Stealing, attacking, fighting, trespassing ,KILLING. 


"Just kill me!" I scream.

A hand grabs onto mine, the ones that were practically ripping my hair out. "Lyric calm down." A familiar voice says in a soothing tone.

My eyes slowly open and Mercury's worried face fills my eyesight. A tear finally slips from my brimming eyes.

"What did they do to you?" He asks squeezing my hand in his. I notice his guard attire. Noticing I want going to answer he speaks again. "Either way I'm getting you out of here."

I lift my hands and show him the cuffs around my wrist. "I got it." He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks my cuffs.

"Please just answer this question," He turns his head towards the shed entrance then back to me. "Was it that blonde freak that did this too you."

My eyes widen a little as I realize he's talking about Dylan. " was some random guard." My voice comes out raspy.

"How long was I down here?"

"About a week." I hold my head feeling the seeding pain come back.

"I think I have a concussion." I sigh.

"We'll take care of it later but for now we have to get out of here." He says grimly.

He cocks the hand gun in his hand and stare into my eyes with determination.

_________________________________ sadly this book is close to coming to an end *cries* but some good news is that that's not for another 10-20 chapters *cheers*.  ALSO SORRY FOR THE TERRIBLE AND SHORT CHAPTER.

Am I being cringey?


Ok I'll stop.


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