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Before you start reading I would like to say, yes this is the last chapter but I will be posting 2 bonus chapters that you guys will be able to chose what happens next (the future) but yeah you can tell me if you want that if not then this will just be the final chapter

I nervously chew on my bottom lip as mercury speeds down the highway. We left as soon as possible.

We had to.

It was obvious that after what happened Dylan was going to say something. As I passed him on my way out the door he opened what he could of his swollen eye, his face balled in anger. "I thought you were different." Without saying a word I passed him and down the stairs to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask mercury as he makes a right onto an exit.

" the airport."

"So wreckless." I say under my breath, rolling my eyes. His eyes flicker to me then back to the road.

"Me? I'm reckless?" My eyes drag to him and stay on him for a while. "Yeah."

"Lyric, He fucking kissed you. What did you want me to do, pass him a muffin?!"

The sun has begun to rise, the mix of orange and yellow colors swirling together in the beautiful dance of change.

"You can't be this dumb!" I shout back as he takes another car rattling left.

A sarcastic chuckle escapes his mouth and he grits his teeth. "Your the last one to call me dumb. Do I have to talk about why we are in this mess in the first place."

"Wow." I scoff, turning to look out the window. Everything is going to go down hill.

I feel it.

That sinking feeling you get when you forget to take the chicken out the freezer like your mom asked and she's currently pulling up. That sinking feeling when you wake up at 3:00 in the afternoon on a school day and your parents are too strict to handle.

That sinking feeling.

But you know, ten times worse.

"Wait, ok, I didn't mean it like that." He says raising his hand. "Then how the fuck did you mean it?!" I ask tearing away from the window.

"I meant, all that I fucking did for you and you have the nerve to call me dumb."

My teeth clamp down hard on my bottom lip, to prevent it from shaking. The stinging sensation in my throat as I prevent myself from crying because he's right. I haven't done shit for him and here I go again yelling at him. Silence covers the car, nothing but the faint purr of the engine as we slowly begin to reach the airport.

"I don't have a passport." He shrugs and stops the car, turning it off and taking the keys out. The center console slides open and mercury pulls out stacks of money.

My eyes bulge out of my eye sockets as I examine the stacks of cash wrapped up in rubber bands. "Where did you get that?"

He shrugs again and closes the console. "Are you ignoring me." Another shrug, counting the money.

"Mercury What the fuck? Can you talk to me? I'm sorry." His hands don't stop flipping through the bundles of cash as he continues to ignore me.

I cross my arms and turn back to the window and tears well in my eyes. The tears quickly disappeared as I see a group of police officers. Some taking cover and others already with their weapons out, pointing directly at our car.

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