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I thought it was my head at first. Then I heard the sound of windows breaking and more slamming.

I jump up from sleep as I heard tons of footsteps stomping up the stairs. The doorknob jiggles causing me to panic even more. I quickly shake Mercury's arm. "Get up."

After the person behind the door figured it was locked the pounding began. Mercury shoots up from his sleep throwing a protective arm around me.

The door crashes to the ground and a series of men in Black police uniforms charge in the room.

A scream escapes my mouth as one holds a gun up to Mercury's head and instructs him to get on the ground. Mercury's eyes train on me as he climbs out of bed and gets on his knees, putting his arms behind his head.

"ON THE GROUND, NOW!" Another shouts aiming a gun at me. I shake my head, with wide eyes.

"Lyric dont resist!" Mercury says as they begin to put him in hand cuffs. I get onto the ground and put my hands behind my head.

I've had a bunch of run ins with the police but never with so many. There are about ten cops surrounding us.

Some speaking on the walkie-talkie and others talking amongst themselves. One tightens handcuffs around my wrist and I breath at the familiar pinching pain.

"mercury Ashton and lyric Lewis you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court. With these rights in mind, are you still willing to talk with me about the charges against you."

They drag mercury and I up by our arms and escort us out of the house.

Outside my aunt is calmly talking to an officer, in a red sparkly dress like she was somewhere fancy. As soon as she sees me she breaks away from the cop.

"Lyric you must be crazy." This whole situation looks bad. Worse yet I'm not exactly sure what I did. "Can you please tell me what exactly is going on?" I ask.

"They found the body!" She whisper screams as if it was some sort of secret. Like the neighbors weren't peeking out their windows and taking videos. "They know that you and this boy," she nods mercury up and down in disgust. "Murdered Asher. And now you're up in bed with him in my house like you're fucking grown??"

"I know this looks bad but-"

"no but's! You stay away from my son and you can also let your mom come and deal with your charges. This is not what I signed up for!" The guilt was bubbling over inside of me.

I didn't kill Asher.

If my mom didn't hate me before she does now. "I called her and she will be here tomorrow morning. Have fun in a CELL." With that last word she pushes me back.

I see Andre climb out of her car as she walks away and the cop escorts me to a police car. "Andre!" He ignores me, walking furiously towards the house.

"I didn't do it." I say. He doesn't even look my way.

The cop shoved me into a car and slams the door behind him.

I didn't kill Asher.

The car starts and speeds off with the cop car mercury is in trailing close behind.


My hands and feet are cuffed to the table and floors and I stare at the one way mirror. Somewhere behind it they are talking about me.

Staring right back at me.

Taunting me.

A man in a suite and badge hanging around his neck walks in with a coffee in his hand. He looks at me and gives me a slight smile. "Hiya I'm chuck."

He holds out his hand. "Oh yeah! You're cuffed to the table," He laughs taking a sip of his coffee.

"My bad, anyway you can wait for a lawyer but I'm here to talk to you about the death of Asher Colton."

I lean in as if about to tell him a secret. "I didn't do it."

He takes a long sip of his coffee and crosses his arms over his chest. "Be that as it may we still found your dna on him." I give him a questionable look and he answers for me.

"Blood. Your blood was on his hands and somewhat on his face would you like to explain?" I take a breath thinking about the night at the gym.

"He was abusive. I came home a night after he had beaten me up and ditched me and my aunt and my friends found me before I fully passed out. Several witnesses."

He leans in giving me a sneaky smirk. "Plenty witnessed to the fact that you came home bloody. Not to the fact he beat you up. My best guess right now is that you and your little 'boyfriend', Mercury killed him for whatever reason and this whole 'he beat you up bit' is all to cover up the fact that it was self defense."

I furrow my eyebrows. "That's not what happened at all!" I try to lift my hands but They metal in the chains pull them back down and clank at the contact with the metal table.

"Then tell me what happened."

"When my lawyer comes." I say finally realizing he won't let up.

As soon as my lawyer arrives I explain to  hem how Asher and I always worked out together and he always gets a little too rough. I explained to how everyone took care of me and how I went to the hospital and had to get surgery many times.

"So then there should be cameras outside or inside of the gym that you guys went to." My lawyer, B, said.

"I'm not sure the place looked a little ran down."

"Either way Times up and it's time for you to go back to your cell." Chuck said unlocking my hand cuffs just to replace them with more.

They escort me to a holding cell where a officer is standing and I can see mercury in his own. "It's ok your mother will be here tomorrow." B says trying to calm me down but only making me more nervous.

There's a chance she will just let them throw me in jail. I nod my head and he walks away with the chuck.

My attention shifts to mercury, who is sitting on the ground tapping his foot, with his hands cuffed in front of him.

"Are you ok?"

The officer by the cells hits my bars. "No talking!" 

Mercury just nods his head and mouths 'you?'

I just shrug. 'I've been through worse.'

I can't do anything else but think to myself and mouth words to mercury, which I'm terrible at doing.

All I know is that tomorrow  is going to be worse than today was.
_________________________________ shitty chapter but anyways star that bitch

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