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"That was him?" Mercury asks in astonishment, that I didn't recognize at all.


"And you kicked him in the balls?"

"Well it was more like I kneed him in the balls but either way he won't be having kids." I laugh putting on the boxing gloves.

Mercury puts in a mouth guard and slips on punching mitts. "You don't need the mouth guard I'm not going to punch you in the face again." He narrows his eyes, going back to his blank stare. "Good for you." His voice sounds muffles and a little slurred from the mouth guard.

The black eye I gave him is noticeable but he doesn't seem to be ashamed of it. "Quick." He says catching me off guard. Before I know it he's swinging at me. I duck just in time and come up with a successful blow to his punching mitt.

"Faster." He swings at me in an unbelievable speed that I manage to dodge. I do a couple jabs managing to catch his fast hands.

"Come on quicker! What if I hit you?" He swings again and this time I barely make it. His mitt scrapes by my cheek.

"Aw fuck." He throws the mitts off grabbing my face and bringing his extremely close to mine.

"It's ok, I'm fine."

His eyes skip across my face, making sure I wasn't hurt. "I don't think you should fight that guy." He separates, letting me finally breath again. "I have to."

"Why. Why do you have to!?"

I stare into the giant gym mirror,scanning my brain for excuses. "Ok...well I want to." We've been going at it for about two hours and I'm already ready for the comfort of my bed. "Wanting is not a good reason to fight this guy. Did you see how big he is? I mean what if-" he stops himself as I lean against the wall, chugging a bottle of water.

He shakes his head a little."Let's just go... we can practice some more tomorrow." I put the water bottle down. He stopped because of how much variability he was showing.

He is secluded.

He doesn't want me to see that he actually cares.

That he has more emotions than just being pissed and bored.

"Mercury calm down. Sure this guy shows a bunch of douchiness and how jacked he is, but that doesn't mean he's a good fighter." A growing smile spreads across my face as the words leave my mouth. "Actually I have a plan." He raises an eyebrow chugging his own water bottle. "Ryder should know this guys name, right? So then we should just find out who he is and see how good he really is a fighting." Mercury starts to pack.

"You're fucking crazy," he says it low, but I still manage to hear it.

As we walk back I notice Mercury put a lollipop in his mouth. "Where do you keep pulling those from? Your ass?" I laugh.

"Haha you're so funny." He says sarcastically.

"Ok, but can I have one?" It is dark once again and the fresh air has me dying for more. The chilly but not so chilly weather is my favorite, I wish I could love it with Mercurys hoodie but I'm too scared. I don't want him to judge me for just wearing his hoodie.

I already feel like a physco for having it hung up in my closet even though Mercury said I could have it.


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