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Chuck sits across from me with his arms crossed while mine are locked in handcuffs.

I give him a sincere smile while he gives me a sly one. A shield of glass and dozens of prison guards stopping my from ripping his head off.

He grabs the phone on his side and motions me to do the same.

"Hey ms. Lewis. Having fun in there?"

I press the phone to my ear, thinking about it. "Well I rock the fuck out of this orange jump suit. Handcuffs have become a kinky thing for me so I just LOVE when they tighten them around my wrist. I found someone and made them my bitch soo......yeah. It's real fun In here."

His smile disappears and he's left with a disgusted look. "When will you learn that what you did was terrible? When will you get rid of that bull shit sarcastic attitude that you use to cover up your insecurities?!"

Although I hated what he was saying half of it was true. "When you learn to fuck off." I pick look at my nails already getting bored of this conversation.

"You killed a man!"

I slam my hand onto the counter causing the security guards to reach for their weapons. "And he abused me! I love that you refuse to recognize the wrong he did to me. You want to know the kicker?! I didn't even know I did it until I woke up the night before trial. He traumatized me." My lip quiver as he looked at me unimpressed.

"And you believe that he deserved for his life to be taken?"

I slam the phone back onto the rack.

"I'm done talking." I say before doing the most disgusting thing I could think of. I spit onto the glass and give the security guard a smile.

"Nice law system you have." I say sarcastically.

He gives me a little smirk. "Preaching to the choir." He's tall and looks about 20. He has a strong jawline and has blonde hair.

"Let's go." He grabs my wrist and we start to walk back to my cell. He's not the original guard that escorted me there. I look back at his name tag.


"Thats my last name."

"What's your first?"


I nod my head just as we reach my cell. Dylan unlocks my cuffs and I walk into the cell. "Be safe, lyric." Dylan says sending me a wink.

I scoff as he walks away. I have no interest in making friends.

Ten years.

I have a total of ten years in this shit hole.

Bail isn't an option because I'm already convicted. Im pretty sure that mercury forgot about me because it's been two weeks and he still hasn't came to see me.

The others did, including my mother.

"If you do, I will hate you forever." That's What he said.

And I actually did it.

My butt plants down onto the cold stiff bed.

Now he hates me.

Just like everyone else.


The maggots infested mashed potatoes fall from my spork and onto the tray. This is worse then school lunch.

I sigh as I stare at the empty seat in front of me.

I miss summer.

I miss Thaz.

I miss Aaron.

I miss Ryder.

I miss Mercury.

I miss horny Hades.

A snicker slips from my mouth as I think about his nickname.

"Something funny?" A muscley chick with a mustache stops in front of my table. The room goes silent and I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't laughing at you, she hulk." My posture and tone of voice should get through her thick skull that I don't want to be bothered.

But it didn't.

"She hulk?" She asks, slamming her tray on the table.

I pull a mercury and narrow my eyes at her. "Yup." The whole cafeteria gradually surrounded us, like they were expecting a fight.

"Do you want to do something?" She asks balling up her fist. "Get out of this conversation." I answer blandly.

She slides her tray across the table and all of its contents land into my lap. The cafeteria goes silent waiting on my next move. I slowly stand up feeling the rage set in me.

I have not been having the best experience in jail. I'm always thinking about mercury. And when I'm not thinking about mercury, Asher's dead body haunts me. I haven't slept in days because of the stuff beds and the flash of Asher's face right before I smash him to death with a rock.

My mental is even worse than my physical because when I'm not thinking about mercury and dead Asher I'm thinking about my past.

So you can say I'm sort of kind of not in the mood.

I step onto the table feeling the anger seething into every vein in my body. She approaches like an idiot and I drive my foot into her chest.

She lets out a loud "Oof" as she flails to the ground. The cafeteria erupts in "oos" and a few other inmates step out from the crowd, looking just as angry as she was.

They must be her flunkies.

I don't react to them and jump down from the table. As soon as I'm on the floor I don't hesitate to punch her square in the nose. I feel a cluster of hands wrap around me and I'm pulled back.

A number of fist connect with numerous parts of my body. Struggling, I stand up and punch the first person I see.

Reacting quickly I elbow the next the the mouth and kick the original bitch back to the ground as she try's to get up. My fist smashes into another persons face.

In the corner of my eye I see an inmate whip out a box cutter. "Where did you get that?" I ask a little out of breath as the people I punched to the ground groan in pain.

"Just worry about your face sweetheart." She lets out a yell and charges at me with the box cutter.

Timing it perfectly, I grab her wrist once she's close enough and strike her in the stomach. She lets go o the box cutter and falls to the ground trying to regain her breath and clutching her stomach.

A loud bang rings through the cafeteria and guards rush in. A guard approaches me stopping in his tracks as he sees the box cutter in my hand.

I look at the box cutter then at him. "'s not what it looks like."

Dylan steps up. "I got this one." He utters to the other guard. The guard nods and heads for the beaten up girls on the ground.

Dylan snatched the box cutter out of my hand. "Awwww." I say kind of bummed.

My aww is quickly suppressed as Dylan twists my arm behind my back.

"Sorry." He says, his cool breath on my ear. "It's an act."


His grip looseness we arrive to my cell. "You know... I think what you did was ethical and that you don't deserve to be in here." 

I enter the disgusting cell feeling a little bummed because now i have to miss jail recess.

"I don't care." I say rubbing my wrist.

His face screams 'I'm hurt' and he doesn't keep from showing it.

God, I'm a bitch.


He closes the cell door and walks away, his footsteps echoing through the empty floor.

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