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"Hey wait up!"

I turn to see thaz and mercury walking my way. Mercury is taller than I thought. He has on a simple black shirt and jeans. He walks with a kind of I don't care attitude with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his eyes focused on me.

Thaz is the different. He's a little shorter than mercury and has a sort of geeky walk. Holding his books out in front of him.

"Hey." I say simply, waiting for them to catch up.

"My next class is bio, what about you?" Thaz says finally by my side.

I take a look at my schedule. "Yeah that's my next class too."

Thaz takes a look at mercury, who is walking menacingly beside me.  I can't help but notice all the glares random girls in the hallway are sending me. "Yeah mercury has that class too."

"So does he talk?" I ask thaz, jokingly nudging mercury a little with my elbow. Mercury grabs my arm, shoving it away from him. "Don't touch me." He says in a monotone voice. His voice was surprisingly deep and soothing.

"Guess that answers your question." Thaz smiles adjusting his glasses. "Rude." I grumble under my breath rubbing the part of my arm he grabbed.

"So, I just want to say sorry on hades's behalf, you know for the catcalling." I give him a reassuring smile. "It's fine, really."

"I do want you to join our friend group and if you are then you need to hear this warning." He does a dramatic pause. "Hades is a bit of a douche bag."

I follow them into, what I'm guessing is the bio class room. " I kind of figured." I laugh.

As soon as we are settled in our seats I turn to thaz again. "So What was with all the girls looking at me like they want to kill me." He leans in smiling. "So you don't know you're in a friend group of walking clichés?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well as you can tell, you are the only girl in our friend group and mercury hasn't spoken to a girl since second grade. I guess they are kind of jealous considering we are the eye candy of the school."

I let out a bubbly laugh. "Eye candy of the school? Isn't that a little cocky?"

"Well ask any girl or boy, I don't judge, about us and you'll see."


I mindlessly kick my feet up on Mercury's desk and lean back in my seat. "Do you like my vans? I did them myself." I ask mercury. He sends me a glare and pushes my feet away from him. "Jeez are you PMSing?" I laugh swinging my feet on my own desk.

The bell rings and a herd of students enter the room. The teacher isn't here yet so the students talk among themselves as they wait. I throw my hands behind me to support my neck as two girls approach us.

Well they approach the boys.

One stops in front of Mercury's desk and the other at thaz's. Thaz shoots me a cocky smile before returning to the girl.

"Ummm....Hey Thaz." The girl starts nervously. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me. You know the up coming party at Ryan's."

"I'll go if my friend can." He looks my way. My eyes widen and I shake my head frantically. As much as I want to chug booze and swing from chandeliers I really need to focus on school.

The girl sends me a glare. "Sure." She says through a fake smile and gritted teeth. I turn to mercury. The girl is more nervous than the one Thaz is talking to.

"Umm mercury....." he's staring into her sole with his grey eyes. Frankly I'd be nervous too.

" go to?" She gives herself a face palm. "I mean, Would you like to go to a party with me?"

Mercury keeps his narrowed eyes trained on her, staying silent for a while. "No."

I could practically see the girls heart break. "Um, ok." She says before awkwardly walking away. I take my feet down and rest my chin on my palm. "You're rude." His grey eyes shift to my greenish brown ones. "I don't care."

"You could have at least been nice about it."

"If I didn't want to go I didn't want to go."

"So you're not going to the party?" Thaz asks entering our conversation.

"I am." He says.

I press my lips together, stopping myself from saying something rude, but it's no use. "God you're a pain in the ass, why do girls like you?" Sometimes things just seem to slip out even when I don't want them to.

Mercury opens his mouth to say something but Thaz interrupts. "Sooo, Lyric, are you going?"

"I don't know.....maybe," I pause. God that party sounds tempting. "Ok yes." My filter drunk is even worse than my sober one.

This should be fun.

"So when is this party?"


"I actually might not be able to come. I have to do homework, catch up to all my clas-"

"oh you're coming whether you like it or not."


I take a quick glance at mercury. "He doesn't seem like he's fun at parties." I joke.

"Oh you'll be surprised." Thaz says just as the teacher walks into the room.

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