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Mercury pov


Fuck this.

Fuck that.

Fuck you.

Fuck everything and everyone.

My eyes travel up another girl, they have been approaching me all day. "What." I ask. The attitude is dripping off of my voice so I have yet to figure out how she doesn't get the point and just fuck off.

"So that girl, lyric..."

fuck you.

"Did she really go crazy and kill some kid."

I hold back the strength to call lyrics bestfriend over. I wave the girl closer to me and put my hand to her ear like I'm about to tell her a secret. "It's none of your fucking business."

The girl straightens up and I narrow me eyes at her. "Leave!" Lyrics bestfriend yells across the lunch table. "And you! Why haven't you gone to see lyric yet." She screams.

Fuck you.

"None of your business."

"Um it is my business because I'm her bestfriend."

I don't even know your name.

A, Aaron, puts his arm around her shoulder and pushes her close to him. "Chill out." He says. But the flickering fire doesn't leave from her eyes. A's eyes shift up to me. "But really, dude.. why haven't you gone to see her."

Fuck everyone.

I get up and walk out of the school with my bag tight around my shoulder.

Three weeks.

It's been three weeks and these fucktards still can't learn when to fuck off.

Lyric is not my girlfriend.

She doesn't even care what I think, I told her specifically not to plead guilty and that's just what she did. I walk out into the cold air and flip my hoodie over my head.

It's already October. The leaves are stripped from the trees and the wind is tearing away at people and buildings.

I didn't feel like school today anyways.

I'm lonely again. I'm back in that dumb house without lyric. I can't sleep and I barely eat anymore. Now that she's gone girls follow me around like pound puppies.

So everything is just great.

I want to see her but I know I can't. I know I will physically smash my fist through the bullet proof glass and take her away from everything. But I can't do that. I can't go and see her because I don't want to tell her that for the whole first week she was in prison I was drunk off my mind in a fucking bar doing who knows fucking what.

I kick off my shoes as I walk into the house. My feet trail into my room and stop in front of my bed. My eyes gaze over the music note and the name lyric I wrote on my wall.


"Dammit." I say under my breath. My feet shove into my shoes and I walk over to my neighbor. Knowing the time, I pound on the door like the police.

The door swings open and out pops, a clearly high, Trevor. "Wassup merc! Bro when was the last time we talked!?"

Don't know, don't care. "Let me use your car."

He reaches to the left of him and grabs a set of keys from off of a table. "It's not mine. So return it in good care." He chuckles. A girl rushes over just as I was about to enclose my hands on the keys. "You can't take my car!" She slaps Trevor in his bare chest. "Don't give random people my car!"

"Ummmm he's not random people...he's Mercury." He says cocking his neck out at her.

These people are even dumber than hades.

"Oh. Then sure." I don't even try to explain to the girl that she doesn't know me at all and that I should still be considered 'random people.'

My fingers find a tiny red alarm on the button and press down onto it quickly. A red Cadillacs lights blink and it purs to life. As i hop into the car I rip the pink fluffy steering wheel cover off. I slam my foot down hard on the gas and the car takes off down the road.


My foot taps up and down nervously as I wait for a gaurd to escort Lyric over to me. Shes going to fucking kill me. My foot stops as I hear Lyrics voice get closer.

"I still didnt get that hunny bun.." she says softly. A voice chuckles then speaks. "You will get it later just calm down." As she gets closer i see her gorgouse dimpled smile as she talks to some blonde prison cop. Her hair is all out and trailing down her back.

Her beautiful greenish brown eyes shift over to my grey ones and her smile fades away. She comes and sits down on the other side of the glass. The prison gaurd that escorted her down, stands on the wall behind her with his arms folded over his chest.

Ignoring him i grab the black telephone and press it to my ear. She does the same, never taking her eyes off of me. "Mercury." She says in a hushed wisper. My heart breaks a little as i hear the saddness in her voice.

The prison gaurd behind her shifts a little and I turn to get a good look at him. His fist are now curled up in a ball at his sides and hes staring at me like im the devil himself.

The fuck Is his problem?

I turn my focus back to lyric. "Hey." I said. It came out raspier than I intended it to. "I've tried to call you." She looks down at her hands as she speaks.

"I'm sorry. I'm an idiot." And a fuck up, don't forget that.

"So why come now?"

"Because I missed you."

"Wait.." she looks a little behind me at the clock above my head. "Aren't you suppose to be in school."



"don't worry about it."

A long pause of silence erupts between us. She's staring at me and I'm staring at her. I grit my teeth together to stop myself from saying and doing something stupid. Cause right now all I can think about is breaking this glass that separates us. "Do you hate me?" She asks dragging her eyes away from mine again.

Look at me. "I could never hate you." My skin burns for her touch as she tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"Then why haven't you visited me?" I suck in a breath. "Because I don't want to see you like this. I don't want to see you and not be able to touch you."

Her eyes finally pull back up to mine. "Fuck... I really miss you." She strains.

I open my mouth to say something but the blonde guard rips the phone out of her hands.

She looks up at him in shock and I have half the mind to dive through this glass screen.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I yell out standing up.

He pulls on her arm to stand her up. "VISITING TIME IS OVER." He yells back before yanking lyric away.
_____________________________________________________________ this lowkey is a terrible chapter but oh well.


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