Chapter 2 Part 1

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"Move, move, move! LETS GO!" One of my partners on the frontline yelled looking over her shoulder. We were running with these heavy guns and equipment on our backs. Gunshots could be heard close by I didn't know if was us shooting or getting shot at.

My legs treaded down the dirt path as fast as they could run from this hundred and thirty pound backpack along with our twenty-five pound radio that occupied my side.

Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. The sun beamed down intensely over us making it an even more dreadful run. I could hear my heart beat ringing through my ears. My breathing was short and choppy not a ounce of saliva moistened my tongue. The pace that we were running I didn't have time to stop and get a drink of water.

All of a sudden my legs gave up and I dropped to my knees clenching my chest. Something wasn't right I can feel it.

"Hayes!" I heard someone calling my name from behind. "Soldier down! We lost Santos!" She was screaming frantically. It felt like the world was spinning around me. Did she just say we lost Lola? Before they could get closer I quickly got up and darted off into the opposite direction. I felt my stomach become tight doing somersaults.

"Hayes we can't stop we have to keep going. They almost near us!" She said but her voice grew fainter from my feet running against the ground. I zoned out everything because I didn't care I was putting my life on the line right now.

I ran up to her almost lifeless body. She was shaking and coughing up specks of blood. "Lo stay with me baby girl stay with me!" I yelled cradling her body close to my chest. I leaned my forehead against hers silently praying.

"Nicolé go its my time." She managed to get out before coughing.

"Don't you dare die on me we need you, I need you." Her eyes opened and closed as she was going in and out of consciousness.

"Please. Don't risk your life trying to save me its not your time." My eyes swelled up with tears I watched her chest heave up and down.

"I love you Bambi." Were her last words when she took her last breath. I didn't know how I should feel right now. Losing your friend like this is one of the worse feelings.

The sound of a grenade going off which seemed like only a few yards away brought me back to reality. One of the other soldiers ran up to me tugging on my arm saying we had to go. A tear rolled down my cheek I looked into my friend hazel orbs one last time before closing her eyes. I kissed her forehead and took the necklace from around my neck putting it around hers.

"Come on! Its not safe to stay here they are getting closer. Lieutenant wants us to cover more ground and get to a safer location." As soon as she said that there were shots fired bullets ricocheted off trees in front of us.

We both sprinted off running to catch up with everybody. For some odd reason it felt easier to run then I realized I didn't have my backpack nor the radio.

"Shit! I got to go back and get my bag with the safety kit and the radio."

"No leave it. It's too late Nicolé!" I ducked from a falling branch. The ground was rumbling and shaking from the impact of another grenade exploding. Not listening to what she said I dropped to the ground army crawling back to my gear.

I looked at the spot where Lo body was now empty with a puddle of blood. They must have picked up her body taking her back to base. Just the thought of her parents getting that knock at the door. My heart goes out to the both of them.

I grabbed my bag and the radio as a pair of boots approached me. My eyes were glued to the pair of black worn out combat boots. The feeling of cold metal rested on the side of my left temple. A loud gunshot rung in my ears.

End of flashback

I woke up panting my eyes popped open I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead. It was pitched black with the exception of the light coming from the hallway through the door.

Its been a week since I've been admitted in this institution I'm not going to lie this was the longest week ever. The days were dragging and it wasn't much to do to pass time. I'm not sure how many months I have to spend here.

I was told by Nurse Erin it depends on if they think I'm stable enough to be discharged. I need to prove to them that I'm better and no longer need to recover. That can be several months up to a couple of years.

I'm suppose to be meeting with Dr. Brown today. I never seen this man since I been here for the whole week not even during our meals. Hopefully he can give me answers to questions I have. I don't trust Nurse Erin for the simple fact she's stuck up and it seems none of the patients really like her.

All I know she better not try anything slick with me because I don't have a problem taking a life if mine threatened. She might be able to get away with anybody else. Tuh not me.

I turned over on my back staring at the ceiling. How is it going to be from this point forward?


I stared at her toss and turn in the bed. Curse words and low mumbling escaped from her mouth. For the past week she been having these nightmares.

It would wake me up out of my sleep and keep me up for almost thirty minutes. Then finally she popped up out of her sleep breathing heavy. When she looked around the room I turned over on my side towards the wall.

I wouldn't dare get closer to see if she was okay. It wasn't any of my business. The meds they gave her daily I thought would help. Not even the sedation of ejections from the needles kept a peaceful night in our room.

But one night it was working; so I thought. She ended up sleeping under the bed and didn't realize she was under there until the next morning.

We never discussed anything I witnessed through the night. She didn't start talking to me yet. I think she won't for the time that we're both here stuck in this place. That's all fine by me but I'm curious why she's here.

She doesn't seem crazy when you look at her. There was nothing off about her except during the time she sleeps. I could be wrong though because looks can be deceiving.

Its been a week I knew today she would be going to see Dr. Brown. I remember my first meeting with him it wasn't pleasant. That involved me cursing him out in one of my many languages. I knew I didn't belong here and tried to fight my way out.

Dr. Brown wasn't phased by anything I was doing in his office that day. Instead he became more interested in learning what was wrong with me. Apparently I wasn't much of a threat to him like I've seen other patients carried out during their sessions who got out of control.

What made me different from everyone else? The better question is when will they get the message that there's nothing wrong with me?

I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep until sunrise. I've been losing out on sleep because of Nicolé even though I never really slept much when I was alone. My sleep pattern changed a lot and haven't been the same. I can stay awake for hours on in and not get tired.

After I started writing often I got so lost in my music that sleep was the last thing on my mind.


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