Chapter 4 Part 1

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97, 98, 99, 100... I kept track of the numbers in my head as I sat on the floor doing my daily ab routine. Being stuck here without workout equipment I had to stay fit someway. It was Friday which meant that we could go outside. We are allowed to go outside once a week depending on if you displayed good behavior. Of course the incident that happened between me and nurse Erin ruined the opportunity of getting from these four walls that barricade us 24/7.

Dr. Brown only made an exception for me since he asked if I would do him a favor. In my hand was the note he gave me after the meeting. I crumpled up the paper stuffing it in the pocket of my scrubs.

"Aye bro don't lose your temper today." My roommate said jokingly slipping on his shoes. I kissed my teeth at his slick remark. I didn't have to tell him what went down because they had a pink slip taped to the cork board on the outside of our door signifying I broken the code of conduct. Living with him for almost six months he witnessed a few episodes of my short temper. Jay coached me through them sometimes because he use to go to anger management as a kid. Everything use to tick me off and I admit I blow some minor situations out of proportion. It got better with the medication though. I think Dr. Brown prescribing me higher doses had a nigga calm and relaxed.

"Access granted." The operator voice on the door spoke as the latches unlocked. Two security guards came into view one of the nurses' small frame hidden behind them. She walked between their buff arms a smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning August and Jay its time for some fresh air." I used my knuckles for support to get off the floor. A trail of sweat rolled down the middle of my stomach her pale face was turning a shade of pink. A light chuckle escaped my lips.

"Jay toss me my shirt." He did and I quickly put it on walking pass the nurse about to walk out the door. My body collided with one of their guts making me bounce back.

"Alsina you can't go nowhere." One of the body guards stood waving the pink slip in front of my face. I reached into my pocket pulling out the note Dr. Brown gave me. His eyes skimmed over the letter.

"Its legit you can call him if you want." I shrugged.

"Nah you straight man just be good while you outside we won't hesitate to bring you back to your room." They moved to the side letting me and Jay get pass to stand in line with everybody else in ward C. We were separated by wards depending on the side of the building our rooms were located. There are coed floors with two separate hallways a nurse desk stationed in the middle of both. They kept people with worst conditions in upper level.

The chime on the intercom dinged letting us somebody was about to announce the rules pertaining to expectations for behavior outdoors. They did this every Friday repeating the same stuff over and over. It was like they wanted to drill it in our heads so we won't forget. After they finished the gray metal doors and gates opened. I inhaled a deep breath getting a whiff of fresh air. It felt great to get out the building even though a tall fence with bob-wire blocked us from freedom. Shielding my eyes from the sun that beamed down intensely on my forehead I looked up catching a glimpse of the guard in the watch tower.

A guard was always on duty up there to surveillance the perimeter of the facility while patients are outside incase somebody had the bright idea to escape; they wouldn't get very far anyway. My eyes scanned the yard searching for the one person I was looking for amongst all the other people. I finally spotted her sitting in the grass leaning against a bench. My feet trotted in that direction as I got closer I noticed she was humming with her eyes closed. It wasn't loud but I started humming a simple melody, which made her eyes pop open quickly and look back.

"No keep going don't let me disturb you ma. Act like I'm not here." I laid on the bench slightly lifting my shirt exposing my stomach tats. It was baking but I rather be out in the sun than that damn room. Moments later I heard rustling of paper but no humming.

"Olyviah?" She didn't respond but it was worth a try. "A little birdie told me you like to write music." When I said that she stopped whatever she was doing and looked over her shoulder. Our eyes connected as I stared into her brown orbs. From her facial expression I was trying to see if she would confirm it. "I'm hoping it chirped the right message because that's a special talent." I licked my lips showing off my pearly whites. A nigga might sound corny as hell right now but I don't care. Music is my passion I hold close to my heart now along with the love I had for my brother. Just to know somebody share the same passion ya'll connect regardless. Well that's how I see it. She tore a page out of her notebook scribbling words handing it to me.

'Who told you?' I stretched out my arm motioning my fingers for the the pen. The rest of our time outside we spent going back and forth. She was trying to get me to tell her but I just said it was a coincidence of how I knew.

A god given talent I use to escape from my problems. I'm willing to share my passion with her if she's open to doing the same. It's only with her though nobody else because I can tell there's something about Olyviah that makes her different.

The guards blew the whistle letting us know it was time to go back into that hell hole. I got up from the bench dusting off the back of my scrubs. All of the nurses lined up in the center of the yard waiting to take us back inside. Olyviah was almost out of sight getting ready to walk into a different door I jogged to catch up with her. I lightly tapped her on the shoulder and reached for the pen holding her palm towards me writing the words Me too with a music note then closed it.

Before she could get a chance read what I wrote while I was standing there I darted off in the opposite direction to catch the gates on my side that were closing. Leave it to me being the last person getting left behind.


The ladies filed back into the building after our mini break outside. I admired the feel of nature. Even though the facility wasn't surrounded by anything appealing to the eye. It still was nice to get a breath of fresh air and reflect on the thoughts tucked away in my mind.

When August told me that outside it completely caught me off guard. So many questions was running through my head at once. I wanted him to illuminate the idea of how he knew I wrote music. It was true but it wasn't a coincidence considering I never told anyone.

Sometimes I get the urge to sing but decide against it. A few people might have heard me humming because I'm always in my own little world and don't realize I was doing it. I sat on my bed thinking long and hard confused a bit but then it dawned on me. I think Dr. Brown had something to do with it. One day he caught me while I was writing a song and I didn't notice he was standing there.

That's the only person that comes to mind. Then the situation with August after the floor meeting. The same look in his eyes while Dr. Brown was talking to him is what I saw in them when we stared at each other outside. It all started to make sense now. I sat back on the bed with my legs folded indian style tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear opening the notebook in my lap.

My eyes focused on the front cover with two photos taped to it. I use them as an everyday reminder I have a dream to pursue. In the end it was going to bring us closer but he can't share that with me anymore so I'm doing it for the both of us. Taking my focus off the photos before I went back too deep in my past I looked down at the palm of my hand tracing the words August wrote Me too. Repeating those words over in my head I flipped to a clean page and started composing a letter. I needed answers to these lingering questions. The only person who held the information was August.

Is all of this suppose to be some type of sign? 

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