Chapter 5 Part 1

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Dr. Brown

I dismissed everybody from the meeting regarding new staff members who will be an addition to the team. Before I scheduled a full interview with the possible candidates I ran over details thoroughly with my employees first so they can also give an opinionated vote if the person qualifies or not.

The new workers go under a full 6 weeks of intense training by shadowing one doctor assigned to them. After training they're evaluated and given an opportunity to practice their skills on a patient. If all goes well and the person successfully completes his/her session and there's no complaints from the client then they have been awarded into the program.

It might sound like a lot but I want to make sure that my patients are receiving highest quality of services offered in the VA. Why do you think my company made positive appearances in the news?

Retrieving my brief case from under the table I walked out the door to the elevator. I glanced down at my watch at the time it was a little past noon. Not bad I thought to myself meeting ended sooner than expected. Get in get out was my motto there's more work needed to be done.

The elevator doors opened I proceeded on pressing the G button for ground level. I leaned my head against the glass frame reflecting about was discussed today. I'm glad we were able to accomplish everything on the agenda and at least get the new workers in their own office and do a meet and greet with other faculty. Going into my brief case I pulled out my car keys.

I briskly walked through the parking garage trench coat snuggled to my neck blocking the frigid winds. Unlocking the doors I hopped into my black Porsche tossing the brief case in the back seat. I grabbed my Ray Bans from the sun visor fastened my seat belt then shifted the car in gear pulling out the garage onto the main road.

Now that I finished up at the hospital early I can go to the institution for my scheduled sessions. Making a right at the light I emerged onto the highway. To my surprise it wasn't much traffic so I was pushing eighty all the way there it took me less traveling time than usual.

"Good afternoon Dr. Brown." One of my assistance greeted me as I walked down the hall. I shot her a smile continuing my journey to the nurses' lounge. My foot wasn't over the threshold good enough when I thought my own eyes were deceiving me.

The sight of Erin sitting comfortably on Mr. Gross lap her face nuzzled in his neck as they both were laughing. I cleared my throat making my presence known.

They turned around at the same time looking towards the door Erin eyes bucked looking like a deer caught in head lights. She quickly peeled herself from his lap fixing her dress in the process.

"Mr. Brown I uhh, we weren't expecting you so early." My eyebrows furrowed together.

"I wasn't expecting my workers to be partaking in PDA especially in my institution." She bit the side of her lip nervously as I scowled her with the meanest mug possible.

"Mr. Gross?" I said now removing my stare from Erin to him.

"Please go get the medicine sorted a new shipment came the packages are at the front desk."

"Yes sir." He got up from the couch exiting the lounge.

"Ms. Vaughan see if your help is needed at one of the nurses' station." I walked out to the elevator I needed to check in with Judy tell her to bring Mr. Alsina down in five minutes because I had to ask him a couple questions. After going to check in with one more person I finally made it to my office. I removed my trench coat swamping it for a fresh crisp white lab coat.

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