Chapter 6 Part 2

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I sat on the couch texting ma homie who I haven't talked ta since I been away in that institution. He was the first person I thought ta contact because I still had some questions about if they handled what I told em' to do. These punk ass niggas ain't gon keep running freely nah neva that.

If its one thing about August he take care of business worry bout the consequences later. That's just the Orleans blood in me I grew up around snakes my whole life. But one thing I know they neva last long lurking in them gardens if you know what I mean.

Flicking through the cable channels I decided to watch ESPN. My phone started vibrating on the table the name Big Red flashed across the screen. I leaned forward grabbing it and pressed the green button wedging the phone between my cheek and shoulder.

"What's up playa?" I heard rustling in the background and a child screaming then a door close. He must be at his baby mama house. Whenever we talked business he never wanted any of the girls to know about his other lifestyle. We sorta kept it undercover but my mama knew because ma brother brought it into her house. Then later found out I was following in his footsteps. She knew one day he'd be a bad influence on me.

"You know same ole trying to make this money. But lets not spark up a conversation about me. You finally free my niggaaa. Wait til everybody know you out."

"There ya go already can't keep nothing on the hush for a minute." I chuckled. "We got to keep this between us for a while. Until I start plotting and give ya'll the go so you can take ole boy em' down. I'm not doing it with ya'll though got to give up on that lifestyle for good." He kissed his teeth.

"You know damn well that ain't happening you said that the last time." I heard footsteps coming down the hall Olyviah's small frame came into view as she kept walking to the kitchen.

"I'm forreal this time I hate to say it but it took for Mel's death. From that point on I was always like man you gotta choose it's either this or that. A nigga can't choose that route ya heard meh? So that's what it was." I bit the side of my mouth holding back how I was feelin'. Talking about Mel struck a nerve in meh I never could get over the fact he gone. But I want him to watch over us protect the family and be proud of his baby brotha.

"Yeah I get it bro we got you though. Not wiping our hands clean until them nigga bodies disfigured and buried somewhere nobody will find em." See this why I put him in charge he always the one to handle all the business when I'm not around.

"That's what I like ta hear."

"Don't even need to worry. But if you not hustling no more what you plan on doing?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice. He know that the streets was like my second home. Pushing a good 8-9 hour shift a day trying to make that paper.

"Remember when I was down at the warehouse I thought ya'll was out you and Mel caught me singing?" I heard cackling on the other end then he finally caught his breath."

"Woah man. Yeah I remember." He sniffled. "Your face was priceless how we walked in on you. The way you was singing swore up and down you was Babyface or sum."

"Ya a fool man." I chuckled. "I'm taking this whole music thing ta anotha level. That same night Mel and I had a talk. He wanted me to give up the street life then and there pursue music but I said nah. Too many people go into the music industry some make it while others don't. Then I wasted my time even trying ya know?"

"Never doubt yourself. You something fresh the industry looking for. The other people go in as rappers knowing they don't have not one bar. Or its something they heard before. But with singers its different if that's what you want to do I say go for it." I licked my lips nodding my head like he can see me.

"Thanks man. I'll talk to you lata though B I got some more important calls to make."

"Fo sho."

"Remember what I told ya keep this between us. Don't let it slip up either."

"Aight aight I gotcha." With that I hung up tossing the phone on the couch. I rubbed my hands over my face thinking about our conversation. I want this plan to happen soon so I need to finish plotting. But first things first I need to take a trip back to the old hood.

There's only really one person that can help me.


I walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. My stomach kept growling upstairs so I finally decided to get up. I knew it would probably appreciate some good food anyway.

The aroma of Alfredo sauce and fresh sauteed veggies hit my nose as I got half through the door. I saw August roommate and Nicolé talking to each other at the table.

That's my first time seeing her actually having a full conversation with somebody. She never uttered much as a few words my way. But I should mind my own business I don't have the right to say anything since I just now opened my mouth in 2 years.

His roommate looked over at me and sent a quick what's up with a head nod. I just smiled instead of returning the gesture and continued on to the refrigerator. Crouching down to the fruit bin I overheard everything they tried so hard to whisper.

"She don't talk Jay."

"Why is that what happened to her?"

"I don't know she never said anything just been mute." And there goes my appetite I thought to myself. Quickly closing the fridge shut I went over to the stand with some snacks. I grabbed a bag of chips exiting the kitchen.

August was still sitting on the couch but was watching tv. I sat indian style on the round circle ottoman.

"Where ma chips at?" I just looked at him playfully shrugging my shoulders. He kissed his teeth.

"Na ya wanna be stingy I thought we was cool." A chuckle escaped his lips as he got off the couch stretching. "It's all good ma I'm just messin' with ya." I smiled at him before directing my attention towards the tv. I heard him shuffling over near me then plopped down on the edge of the ottoman.

My eyebrow raised naturally out of habit when I'm not sure what's going on. Even though the ottoman wasn't that big he made sure to keep enough personal space between us.

"I know ya probably thinkin' why I'm sittin' right here next to ya when there's a whole couch ova there but I needed to ask you sumn'." I nodded taking a bite of my chip. In on swift motion he reached into my bag stealing a couple. I looked at him through slit eyes at his sneaky behavior.

He smirked at me dusting the crumbs off of his fingers. "Aight na back to what I had to ask ya. Imma need ya ta do this big favor fa me. I think ya the only one in the house I would ask anyway.

"Yeah I owe you for what you done back at the institution for me. It's the least I can do." I stated truthfully. The words came out only a couple of notches above a whisper. He licked over his lips then smiled showing off his perfectly alined pearly white teeth.

"Thanks ma. I'm glad ta hear you down to do this fa meh. So this is what I need ta do is leave the house. I have some unfinished business I couldn't take care of because as you can see I'm here." I nodded waiting for him to finish telling me. "I'm going to be out in the city fa a few hours. If anybody come by like nurse Judy you have to cover for me."

"I don't know what but make up a convincing lie until I can make it back. Text me if anything goes down and she not buying into what ya tellin' her. If you need ta, go to Jay. I'm taking off ma house arrest bracelet and you got to wear it. It's too risky to leave it on because I know the city out of range. They might detect it and my cover will be blown the consequences affecting all of us."

"How you feel about that?" We were left staring into each other eyes for a minute as I bit the inside of my cheek.

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