Chapter 8 Part 1

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I nodded ma head to the loud music blaring through the speakers.

"Man put da blunt down I can't be around that shit. I'm not officially free yet." I said waving the smoke out my face. He kissed his teeth.

"Ya ever heard of getting high off contact?"

"Yeah you right ma bad. I was trying to relax take the load off its been a stressful week."

"I understand man don't sweat it. I just don't want ta get in trouble." He nodded slowly cruising down the street. Everything was still the same living in the ghetto nothing change much but the people.

Niggas standing on the corner shooting die. Shoes hanging off the telephone poles. Girls outside half dressed wondering why they want to smash and pass. Kids running around without parent supervision the whole 9. They be wilding growing up around all this is a bad influence.

Ya can take a person out the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the person if that's all they know. Especially being around it majority of your life. The car came to a complete stop and was now parked outside the courtway building better known as the projects. I lived here when I was younger but my brotha hustled enough money to buy our mama a cheap house. A guy he knew hooked him up with a deal. It wasn't in the best neighborhood but was def a step up from the projects.

I got out the car stretching ma cramped limbs. I hate being tall riding in tiny cars. Big Red like driving two door sporty cars but they not made for tall niggas such as myself. I started walking to the entrance of the building. The stench hit ma nose instantly making me cover it. These halls always reeked of piss, weed, and must. We approached the elevator to see a big out of order sign.

I kissed ma teeth annoyed at the fact damn elevators never worked. The kids always playing on them like they ain't got no sense God gave em'.

"Looks like we got to walk up nine flights of stairs." Red forever stating the obvious I just glared at him hating the idea already. I would say lets turn around but I didn't go through sneaking all the way over her for nothing. Realeasing a irritated breath I mobbed my way to the stairs.

"Aye B you got ya strap right?" I asked because they be on some petty stuff hiding in the staircase trying to rob or beat up people. I ain't got the time not today at least.

"Yeah I got it right here." He said tapping the gun under his oversized white tee. By the time we made it to the fifth floor I was sweating and out of breath. It was hotter than the devils armpits in this stairwell.

"I'm not coming over here anymore after this. If I got a message I'll have you relay it to em'." We finally reached the ninth floor and I was glad because I couldn't walk up no more flights.

Going down the hallway I walked to boss man apartment. I call him boss man because he was technically ova me. No matter what game you runnin' there's always somebody ova you. Even though I'm not hustlin' anymore but that's how it normally operates.

I knocked a couple of times and stuffed my hands in the pocket of my jeans. It was silent then I heard the latches and chains being taken off the door. A cloud of smoke hit me in the face when the door swung open.

"Young blood." He smiled going in for a ritual handshake and a bro hug.

"Wassup boss man." Stepping to the side he let us in the apartment.

"Excuse the mess my son was over here earlier told that little nigga to clean up."

"It's all good man forget the mess. I just came ova to discuss some stuff with you take care of some overdue business." He nodded walking ova to his favorite chair. I took a seat in one of the foldable chairs. I don't trust the couch too many asses been on it. I can't afford to bring back no bed bugs or roaches.

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