Chapter 3 Part 2

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"You know we have a policy strictly stating we will not invade patients privacy." Dr. Brown was giving me the third degree since I step foot into his office.

"Excuse me for being curious. He left it out visible so I said why not. I didn't think it would tick him off. No wonder he's here." I mumbled the last part more to myself inaudible for him to hear.

"That doesn't matter Erin." His coffee mug slammed on the top of the desk as drops of coffee spilled from the rim. "I don't care if he left it open you shouldn't have picked it up thinking it was okay in the first place." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"It's wrong and I won't tolerate such behavior in my institution." My arms sat folded on my chest as my leg bounced up and down. Whatever he was saying was going in one ear and out the other. I'm grown as hell and he talking to me like I'm one of these loony patients.

"He should have never put his hands on me. Look at my neck!" I stressed for the second time today. I'm the victim here but being treated as if I was completely in the wrong.

"How would you feel if someone read your something personal to you?" I twisted my lip at his question.

"Are you taking his side Dr. Brown? That's what it seem like to me. But to answer your question I would be..."

"Pissed, livid, maybe even ready to jump down that persons throat. " He finished my sentence leaning back in his chair.

"Yes I know how you operate Ms. Vaughan. I've been around you for many years a feisty woman sometimes I will keep it honest." I scoffed at his last statement. I might come off that way at times I didn't think I so. It depends if you choose that route of getting under my skin.

"You don't know me well enough Dr. Brown because you only get a glimpse of what I do at work. I'm nice outside of this place your the first person to say I was feisty in which I'm not. The facial expression on his he wore told me otherwise.

"Please stay away from him I don't need another incident like this to occur again. We're trying to help them get better. You're one of my best workers but I can't have altercations like this happening if it can be avoided." The phone ringing interrupted our conversation. I tuned him out after he said I was one of his best workers. A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. He finished up his conversation then put the phone back on the receiver.

"I'm leaving early today they need me down at the hospital. Do me a favor and stay away from August. Don't go near his room and please stay out of his personal space that includes during meals as well. You can help other patients but leave him for Judy or another nurse."

"B-but." He held his hand up cutting me off.

"Do I make myself clear Ms. Vaughan?"

"Yeah I guess. " I mumbled lowly.

"Okay good." He got up and rambled through his desk drawer. "Here's a copy of the contract you signed on the day I hired you. Keep this as a reference so you we won't have this problem again. All of the rules and regulations of the institution are listed."

I grabbed the paper out of his hand quickly glancing over the bolded words on top Brown's Institution Policy. My cheeks oozed with embarrassment. He trusted me but this incident caused him to doubt my work ethic.

"Gather all the nurse's and tell them we'll be holding a meeting today. They should get the patients bring them down to room 222. I'll go over a couple of rules I think needs to be made clear. I feel everyone can use a refresher. I might have it done bi-weekly so we are all on one accord."

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