Chapter 3 Part 1

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I just came back from taking a shower and I entered my room. Guess what I see? Erin ass snooping through my music notebook.

"What you doing?" She jumped at the sound of my voice and quickly closed the notebook and tossing it on the bed.

"I wasn't doing nothing but straightening up your bed because I changed the sheets."

"She's lying don't believe her." A tiny voice in the back of my head intervened. That's when something in me just clicked and I sped walk over to her anger in my eyes.

"Don't lie to me I saw you in my shit cuh. I don't like you invading my privacy." I said snatching the notebook off the bed holding it in my hand.

"I can look at whatever I want. God gave me eyes to look so imma use them." There was attitude evident in her tone. In one swift motion my hand was wrapped tightly around her neck without another word. She think this is a game I got experience snapping niggas necks. I listened to her gasping for air her caramel skin turning a shade of bright red. Her hand reached for the bracelet on her arm and she pressed the emergency button.

The security guards ran into the room it took two of them to get me off of her. I was fighting the both of them. When my hand released her neck she fell to the floor gasping for air. I could see I left a big hand print around her neck. A smirk played its way onto my face. Maybe next time she'll think to not read what's mine.

"Take him downstairs to solitary confinement." She managed to get out her voice a bit hoarse. The guards both gripped my arms as my feet dangled off the floor and carried me out the room. Curse words flew off my tongue left and right. All I know is these niggas need to put me down.

"Real talk this some bullshit!" I tried prying myself out they grip.

"Quiet Alsina." One of the guards spoke.

"So I get in trouble for her being wrong looking through personal stuff?"

"You touched her when you shouldn't have." I kissed my teeth.

Dr. Brown came out of his office. "What's all the commotion?" Erin came strolling down the hall like a mad woman.

"He choked me!" She yelled with one hand on her hip and the other pointing in my direction. His facial expression turned into a frown.

"Is this true Mr. Alsina?" I didn't say nothing but kept this pissed off look on my face not giving eye contact.

"I know you see his hand print on my neck." She tilted her head back letting everybody get a good look at it.

Dr. Brown shook his head in disbelief. "Take him downstairs until dinner to cool off. Before he goes to the cafeteria bring him by so we can talk.

They nodded. "Will do sir."

"Can ya'll put me down now so I can walk?" I was getting annoyed being draped by my arms like a puppet. Once they let me go we started walking to the elevator to go downstairs in the basement. From the time I was admitted in this institution I've only been down here maybe five or six times. It wasn't frequently because they found a medication strong enough to control my temper.

The guard opened the cell shoving me inside. It was dark in here the size of the room was probably smaller than our actual rooms. I sat in the corner placing my hands on my head deep in thought. "August you better behave or you forever in here my nigga." The voice spoke again.

"Shut up." I whispered through gritted teeth back at it.

"I'm gone for now I'll be back." The sound of a mocking laugh grew fainter.

I curled up in a ball on the floor and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. It didn't feel like I was down here long when I heard the sound of the heavy metal door creaking open.

"Alright Alsina lets go." I rubbed my eyes raising up off the floor stretching my stiff muscles.

When we left the basement they took me to Dr. Brown's office like instructed to do so earlier. One of the guards knocked and he gave him to okay for me to come in. I walked into his office and plopped down in a chair.

Dr. Brown

I just hooked up the tape recorder to my compter saving the file from yesterday session as a backup when I heard yelling in the hallway. The file finished transferring and I ejected the recorder putting it in my drawer.

Getting up from my desk I walked outside of my office to see what was going on. All I saw was the body guards holding Alsina in their hands as he tried getting away.

"What's all the commotion?" From the corner of my eye I got a glimpse of Erin walking down the hall looking pissed.

"He choked me!" She yelled with one hand on her hip and the other pointing in his direction.

"Is this true Mr. Alsina?" He didn't say anything but clenched his jaw looking at everything else but me.

"I know you see his hand print on my neck." She tilted her head back so we can see.

I shook my head in disbelief. In a way I wanted get both sides of the story. "Take him downstairs until dinner to cool off. Before he goes to the cafeteria bring him by so we can talk.


When the time came around before dinner I was able to get some paperwork done. Considering I want to keep my patients information confidential I handle all the documents with their personal information and the reason they're admitted into the institution.

I keep track of how many days they been here and an estimate of the remaining time they have left. But it varies depending on the patient and record while here. Somebody knocking on my door brought my attention from the computer screen.

"Hey Dr. Brown we brought Alsina up."

"Okay tell him to come in." I cleared my desk putting away the manila folders in alphabetical order in the file cabinet locking it with a key. He walked in and sat down.

"What's up?"

"It's that broad Erin thinking she can boss people around. Today she had the nerve to touch something personal of mine and read it without my permission." I could tell he was getting heated just bringing it back up.

"Why did you choke her?"

"She was lying about touching it and second she got smart." My first reaction was to grab her neck. Ya'll know about my temper."

"I'll talk to her later." He said taking note of it on a sheet of paper.

"Tell her to stay out my room and better yet far away from me."

"I can see what we can do but can't promise anything. She's one of my best workers." He kissed his teeth waving me off. "Just please do me a favor and try to stay out of trouble. This is your warning next time I won't be so lenient with your time downstairs. I want you out of here just like you want to go but I need your cooperation."


"Oh another question before you go. What's in your notebook if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's cool you can ask all you want just can't touch it. But its my music I write. A way for me to vent and express myself." He write music? I heard Olyviah singing the other day. Hmmm I thought to myself scratching my beard.

"Here's a prescription give it to the pharmacist." I ripped off the paper handing it to him. "Behave man. I don't want you back in my office unless I sent for you. He nodded and got up exiting my office.  


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