Chapter 4 Part 2

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Its been a whopping 24 hours since August and I started talking. I laid in bed unfolding the letter he wrote back. I was the first to write him with a list full of questions. It's definitely a step out of the shell I've been nestled in.

I'm slowly making an effort so that beats me a couple weeks ago. I listened to Nicolé snore and mutter to herself in her sleep as she tossed and turned fighting with the salmon sheets.

The sound of the phones ringing off the hook down the hall amplified through the paper thin walls. But none of it was much of a distraction as I buried my face in the letter.

After dinner yesterday I asked Nurse Judy to do me a favor and deliver my letter to August for me. During meals we weren't allowed to bring any personal items with us.

If we were I'd be too shy to give it to him anyway. Turning over on my stomach I positioned my hand on the side of my cheek.

August gave a animated story about his life. He mentioned his parents being part of the reason what landed him here. They kept reassuring he just needed a little extra help in a environment where his old life couldn't get in the way of recuperating from his problems.

After almost a year they checked him in they still haven't made an effort to come visit. It was interesting to learn a little more about him but most of it tugged on my heartstrings at the same time.

A specific detail I noticed from two of his letters he mentioned his brother a lot. They must have been extremely close I can see a strong brotherly bond based off of his feelings he poured into every single word.

It was different the way the letter transitioned from his life to talking about his brother. Through his writing I can tell he's battling with an entity from his past. There's so much emotion written between the lines but he's hiding something. What? I don't have the slightest clue.

You ever had a seroquel-induced nightmare where you was trapped in a crammed dark place suffocating with no way out? Reading his question sent chills down my spine.

That's how he explained what it felt when he found out about his brother. The reality was like a nightmare to him the day he never thought would come so soon. It was a wake up call for him to go follow his dreams that sat on the back burner for years he committed his life to the streets.

Growing up in neighborhoods he were surrounded by had a thirst for young bloods like himself. Either you joined through being pressured or fought to survive on your own constantly watching over your shoulder.

It was the life of a hustler is what he referred to it as. But from it all was a life lesson. Something bad has to happen in order to generate a good outcome.

The truth behind his words had me agreeing with what he was saying. I believe from every lesson you learn not to repeat it over again but those mistakes can be a memory of what not to do. August definitely had me thinking about my own life and dreams.

I'm ready to sail out and find my destiny.


I sat in the corner of the room with my back rested against the wall. Olyviah and I been writing each other letters since yesterday. So far she has asked me every question possible you can think of pertaining to my life.

It was cool though because I didn't mind telling her. Let me just say it was a way of venting in another form rather than talking to her face to face. At least this way I was able to get a response without feeling like I'm talking to myself. Even though I didn't mind that either.

My eyes hovered over the paper in front of me mind wondering if we were one in the same. Her story was told effortlessly flaws evident all her emotions spilled into every sentence.

There was one part that stuck out to me the most. You ever felt like you were drowning in what appears to be your sanity but there's no one to save you? Damn that question gave a nigga goosebumps forreal. It was how she described life after the incident.

On what she was telling me already about her life before and afterwards I can tell she was much more free spirited person. Everything was free of drama, problems, and most of all she was sane. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you a piece will always be missing.

No matter how many people come into your life they can never replace what you lost. But for her she didn't have nobody had to cope with it on her own. I'm a hard core thug but that shit hit my heart like a bullet.

I knew Olyviah been through something terrible in order for it to cause her to go mute. It was on my list of questions I asked but the answer remained unknown. Instead she said that when the time was right she would lay out every detail of the tragic memory permanently implanted in her mind.

I respected her decision and left it at that. One quality trait about me I've gradually grown into being a peace maker. Although I was the youngest I still was my brother's keeper. No matter how fucked up the situation I was that person who tried to settle any disputes.

But it all boiled down to my brother being killed and that's when the peace making shit went south. Now I'm turning to a new life once I'm out this place it's music over everything. My life is more important now than anything.

God put a nigga here for a reason.

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