Chapter 1

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It was 11 pm, I enter my room, locked the door behind me and just slumped onto my bed and tried to relax for a bit. Never in my entire life have I ever been so exhausted. Okay I lied this isn't the first time I've ever felt like this, but I try not to think about all those other times either. I knew exactly what I got myself into when I became a nurse for the Survey Corps. My parents wanted me to become a doctor but I can never picture myself as one. Sure helping people is my main point, but the fact that we are forced to live inside the walls in order to avoid getting eaten by Titan is what really ticks me off. I remembered all this like it was yesterday, but really it all started 10 years ago.

I was really curious about the titans when I heard about what they were. So I had hoped to join the military so I can get a clue as to what the heck these things are but when I mentioned it to my parents one night, I had been grounded for a month. I thought it was completely unnecessary for them to ground me like that but I knew that they just wanted me to be safe. So I took under their consideration, after weeks and weeks of lecturing from my parents, and became a nurse instead. Of course my parents were hoping I'd go for something higher than that but better a nurse than a soldier I guess.

I had been studying medicine and science for 5 years and after alot of hard work and dedication I had already started working in the field by the time I was 23. I worked along with a local doctor as his assistant for about a year but then he heard that the Scout Regiment are running low on assistants for the medics. After that he asked if I would want to go and help the Scouts. I was unsure at first but he told me that it would be a good help towards humanity. He has a good point but all I could think about was my mom and my dad, but I am only going there as an assistant, not a soldier. Also I was 23, about to be 24, at that time so I figured I was old enough to make my own decisions and so I accepted. My parents were not the least bit happy, but in the end everything turned out great.

I remembered when I first stepped into HQ, never in my life had I felt such tense energy and when I walked into the infirmary, now that was a completely different story. All I see on the wounded soldier's faces were despair and trauma. There were very little assistants there tending the wounded so I had to learn how to pick up the pace to help everyone in the infirmary. The doctor I had worked with was not very fast so I had alot of catching up to do. Suddenly a doctor walked up to me and asked if I could help take some files up to the Commander. I hesitated at first but he had informed me that the commander is on the next building and to just take it to his quarters. I was still unsure about it but I realized that all the medics and assistants were too busy dealing with more serious injuries so I accepted and took the files.

I rushed to the next building but once I set foot into the building, I had realized something.

You- "Oh crap!! I forgot to ask where the commander's room is!!"

How can I forget to ask?! I don't know my way around here. I haven't been here for a full day and I am already messing up!

You- "God this is so embarrassing, maybe I should ask someone for directions?"

I looked around me and the first floor was empty, not a single soldier walking around. I walked all over the first floor in hopes of finding someone but nope, not a single person in sight. I felt so disappointed in myself for letting myself get lost that I even started to wonder if coming here was a mistake.

You- "No! I made the decision to come here and I'm not going to give up that easily. I'll just go back outside and ask someone to help me."

I then quickly made my way to the door to head outside but the moment I turned the corner, I had bumped into someone and I fell on my bottom. Not only that but all the files were scattered all over the floor. "Careless and clumsy...your resume is looking good so far (y/n)...." I thought to myself while getting on my knees to quickly pick up all the files while trying to hide my embarrassment.

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