Chapter 14

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(Y/N), are you awake?! I head noises coming from this room and I wanted to make sure you were okay!!!"

You- "Crap! Its Hanji!"

Erwin quickly got up from me and fixed himself up. You then started talking in a hushed tone.

You- "Wait! You wan't leave through the door!"

Erwin- "I realize that, and the window in your room is too small for me to fit through."

You- "Either way you don't have your ODM gear so climbing out of the window on the 4th floor is not very smart."

Erwin- "I've been in this service for a long time, you find ways."

*Band Bang Bang*

"(Y/N) I hear voices, is someone in there with you?!"

You- "Crap you have to hide!"

Erwin- "It would appear so.."

"(Y/N), I'm going to break down the door!"

With that I panicked and quickly pointed under the bed and Erwin followed, almost like he had the same plan as I did. Thankfully I don't have stuff under my bed so he could easily go under, I then quickly untucked my sheets so they hang lower to help hide Erwin a bit better. I then quickly rebuttoned my shirt and made myself look less suspicious.

"I'm going to break the door down!"

I quickly turned around and unlocked the door to open it. I then found Hanji a few feet down the hall.

You- "Hanji, what are you doing here?"

Hanji- "(Y/N)! I'm so glad you're okay!!"

Hanji then pulled me in a tight hug, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Hanji- "Um (Y/N)?...why do you smell like alcohol?"

I froze.

Crap..what do I say?

You- "Um...well...this is exactly how you smell when you work in the infirmary.."

Hanji- "But even then you never smelled like that.."

I sighed.

You- "Alright caught me...truth is..."

I thought for a moment.

You- "I've snuck some alcohol before coming back up...I guess you're going to have to tell Commander Erwin about this huh..."

Hanji laughed.

Hanji- "Of course not! I mean we've all had moments like that where you just want to let loose right?!"

You shrugged.

You- "I...I guess.."

Hanji- "Speaking of which, have you seen Commander Erwin? I went up to his quarters once he got back but it was strange that he wasn't in there.."

You- "Huh..that's strange..."

Hanji- "And I figured that maybe YOU knew where he went considering that you were just in his quarters...did he say that he was going someplace else before walking you back here??"

You- "Um..n-no..he didn't walk me back here...I came by myself..."

Hanji- "Really?? Because I had just asked a scout and he told me that he saw Commander Erwin come in here, and you're the only other person that he knows that lives in this building."

Crap, Crap, CRAP!! What do I say?!

Hanji- "Unless...I got the wrong building...the boy was a bit uneasy when I approached him."

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