Chapter 3

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[A/N: This takes place the next morning, but I'll let Reader-chan sleep longer. c:]

(Erwin's POV)


I suddenly wake up after hearing someone banging on my door, no doubt it's Hanji. I shifted over a bit to peek behind the curtain on my window and I see that the sun is barely peeking over the wall. It must be around 5-6 in the morning, I groaned a bit and slowly sat up. I started rubbing my eyes the moment I rested my elbows on my knees. Never have I ever felt so exhausted in my days as a soldier. Well now that I think about it I did go to sleep pretty late last night, but then again so did (y/n).


Erwin- "I'M COMING!"

Dammit Hanji, why do you have to be such an early bird?

I get up, quickly change into my uniform and fixed myself a bit so I don't look like I just woke up, even though I just did. I walk out of my room that's connected to my quarters. I lock the door behind me and I glanced at my desk. I sighed at the paperwork that I had left from last night and I'm pretty sure Hanji is going to add onto that pile. I open the door to see Hanji with a pile of papers at hand, it never ends does it?

Hanji- "Good morning Erwin, did you sleep well?"

Erwin- "Actually Hanji, I was still asl-"

Hanji- "I hate to intrude you but I have a report to give to you."

I take the papers from her and started to skim through it.

Erwin- "What kind of report?"

Hanji- "Oooh, you know....just something that I have been working on for the past few days."

Suddenly I could see the plead in her eyes, I can only guess what she's been up to.

Erwin- "Hanji, please don't tell me that you're still trying to convince me to give you permission to capture a Titan."

Hanji- "But Erwin! Think about it, If we captured a Titan then it can help us figure out if they have any other weaknesses besides the nape."

She just won't give up, she had been asking me the same thing for weeks already and it's starting to give me a headache.

Erwin- "Hanji, I've already told you more than once, I can't let you put our soldiers at risk for the sake of your studies."

Her eyes went from plead to disappointment in a flash, but then she suddenly returned back to her usual self. She's quite persistent .

Hanji- "Well, I did spend this whole week working on this report, the least you can do is look it over before rejecting my request yet again."

I sighed just at the thought of going through this report. And I'll have to admit, at least she did something new for a change. Before she would just follow me around all day, yelling at me for not giving her permission. I guess I don't really have much of a choice now.

Erwin- "Very well Hanji, but if I reject your request again then you're just going to have to learn to live with that."

Hanji- "Oh don't worry commander, I doubt you'll say NO this time."

With that she salutes and leaves all happy. I just walkes back into my desk and place the report on my desk. I look out the window again and noticed that the sun is a bit higher than before.

Maybe I can get some of yesterday's work done before breakfast is served. Either way more reports are going to come later on today, might as well start early so tomorrow won't be as bad.

I pulled my chair back a bit to sit and I started working on where I had left off. Every passing minute it feels as if the stack of papers just get bigger and bigger. I started to rub my eyes again, trying to fight the urge to go back to sleep. The life of a Commander is not as easy as it seems. Most of the time I just sit here and do some paperwork but after time to time, it gets pretty tiring. I just hope that (y/n) slept better than I did, well I know for a fact that no one is pounding on her door at 5 in the morning.

(Hanji's POV)

I scurry on over back to my room as soon as I give Erwin my report. I was in a pretty good mood after he actually agreed to read it. I put my heart and soul into that report, there's no way Erwin will reject me this time, it's fool proof.

Levi- "What the hell are you so damn happy about shitty glasses?"

I look over and see Levi leaning against the doorway to his room with his arms crossed and that same frown on his face.

Hanji- "Oh, good morning Levi, you're up pretty early."

Levi- "Well It's hard to get some sleep around here when someone keeps banging on someone else's door at 5 in the morning."

Hanji- "Oh, right. Well I wanted to wait until after breakfast but I just couldn't resist. I couldn't sleep at all last night after I had finally completed my report. After reading the notebook you had found the other day, I couldn't help but use it to my advantage. If I played the cards right then there is no way Erwin would say N-."


I was snapped out of my thoughts after hearing a nearby door being slammed shut. I looked over and I noticed that Levi had already went back inside his room.

Hanji- "Aww, but I wasn't done yet!"


I sighed and decided to just walk back to my quarters.

Hanji- "Oh poo! So who am I going to share this experience with?"

Before I was about to open the door to my room, I glanced over at Mike's door for a bit and thought to myself.

Hanji- "Hmmm, I wonder if Mike is already awake."

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