Chapter 11

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((A/N- I apologize for the absence, I was so busy with my other stories that I ended up getting writer's block on this one but I intend on finishing up this book before working on new ones.))

(Erwin's POV)

I stepped out of the carriage and have dismissed the 2 soldiers that had accompanied me. I sighed and walked back to my quarters just as soon as the 2 soldiers were out of sight.

Gatherings like these normally bore the hell out of me but this one was far more than that, I was exhausted. No, exhaustion would be an understatement, I was defeated.

I knew being the Commander would be the worst job ever but this was far worse than I thought. Whenever we go beyond the walls, soldiers die left and right. But in the end, I was the one to blame.

Everyone looks at me as if I've intended their deaths. Don't they realize that I too put my life on the line like everyone else? Do they honestly think that I just sit back and watch everyone die with a cup of wine at hand?

I just knew sooner or later I will go insane. People already think I have but they have no idea.

Each passing day I grow more and more tired, even with the help I get from (Y/N) with the paperwork. I just know it's only a matter of time before I just decide to give up my dream and just admit defeat.

But today is not the day.

Today I just want to get back into my quarters and get some sleep.


I took my time walking back to my quarters. It was only 45 minutes passed midnight and I don't even feel like sleeping. But even I knew sleep is probably all that I need at this point.

I walk up the stairs to the hall where my quarters was located. I take out my keys and prepare to open the door the moment I reach it. But the second I turned the corner, I saw Levi walking down the opposite way.

Erwin- "What are you doing here? I thought you would already be asleep by now."

Levi- "Its hard to sleep after I checked up on your little assistant a while ago."

Erwin- "She made a lot of noise?"

Levi- "Worse...a mess."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Levi's obsession.

Levi- "What's so damn funny Eyebrows?"

Erwin- "It just that, it is a lot of paperwork Levi."

Levi- "Even so, its not hard to make a neat stack of it..."

Erwin- "Is (Y/N) still in there?"

Levi- "No, she left about 20 minutes, I stayed to see what other mess she has made..."

Erwin- "You didn't have to stay for that Levi."

Levi- "I don't want to come into your office to find it a mess again..."

Erwin- "Its not her job to clean my quarters Levi."

Levi- "Then she shouldn't make a damn mess in the first place.."

Erwin- "It sounds like you had a long night Levi."

Levi- "tsk....I'm going to my room now...don't disturb me unless its really important."

Erwin- "Goodnight Levi."

Levi- "Yeah..whatever.."

Once Levi turned the corner I turned and made my way towards my door. I grabbed the key to unlock the door and opened it. Levi said that (Y/N) had left a mess but I can only picture the mess of papers all over the desks. But it is Levi after all, even the slightest spec of dust is enough to trigger him.

I shut the door behind me and made my way over to my desk. I saw that (Y/N) managed to finish a great amount of papers, I felt somewhat bad for leaving her with so much paperwork but when duty calls, you answer it. 

I pulled the chair back so I could sit for a while and right when I tugged on the chair I heard a loud thump. Almost like something had fallen onto the floor, I quickly threw the chair behind me and looked under the table and saw my journal on the floor.

Erwin- "Odd...I made sure that the book was secured against the frame....unless."

I picked up my journal and I instantly noticed that it is more damaged than how it usually is. I made sure to take good care of it so that it doesn't get even more ruined. Unless...

Erwin- "If my journal is this damaged....then that means...."


(Your POV)

I made it to my room and shut the door behind me. Today had been such a long day, and it had gotten even longer thanks to Levi and his obsession with cleaning. Its like you're going to come back tomorrow anyways so what difference does it make if I made a mess or not? Erwin isn't the most tidiest person in the planet anyways so what was the deal?

Without thinking anymore I go and change out of my clothes and into my night wear. I looked at the time and saw that it was already past 1 am.

You-"Dammit Levi..."

I plopped onto my bed and got under the sheets and tried to get some sleep before it got any later than it already is. But I still couldn't get my mind off of the journal under Erwin's desk. Its almost like he is hiding something from everyone but what? And why would he just write them down instead of talking to someone about it? 

I just wished I got deeper into the book, maybe he has a hidden secret beneath that smile of his. It could be a dark one for all I know, but I won't know forsure unless I get another peek at that journal.

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