Chapter 5

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After Levi left, I got up and picked up a new tray of food then started making my way over to Erwin's quarters.

The whole time I was just thinking what I should say to Erwin. Now that he is the Commander of the Scouts I should be careful with the way I talk to him. Yet at the same time all I see is my friend from when we were kids.

All this happened so fast, one day we were good friends then after a long absence, here we are, both working adults, living our separate lives. Sometimes I even wondered what would become of him if we had stayed friends, or better yet, if his father was still alive.

"You're one of the nurses right?"

You- "huh?"

"You can help me right?"

"Is the infirmary far from here?"

"Can you please take us there?"

A couple of scouts surrounded me while I was thinking that I was trapped before I even knew it. I tried to tell them that I have to take this tray of food to Commander Erwin before it gets cold but they wouldn't give in.

"How long will my friend be in the infirmary? Its been weeks!!"

"Is my friend okay?"

"Is my friend going to live?"

"How bad was his injury?"

"Can I see my friend?"

"Are we allowed to go in and see them?"

"I need to see her!! I need to make sure she's okay!!"

You- "um...I-I'm afraid I don't have time to answer any of your questions, I need to take this to the C-"

"Can you please take me to my friend?"

"Where is the infirmary! I demand to know about my girlfriend!!"

"Can you please help us miss??"

"I'm begging you!! Please tell me my lover is okay!!"

You- "everyone please, I need to take this to the-"

Unknown- "Why is everyone here instead of preparing for the next Expedition?"

I heard a voice behind me and all the soldiers went quiet and quickly dispersed from the Mess Hall and I felt like I could breathe again.

I felt bad about not being able to answer to any of those soldiers. I knew that they were all just worried about their friends but why put me into the corner like that?

*sniff sniff sniff*


I quickly turned around and saw a tall blonde man hovered behind me.

You- "where-..where you just sniffing me?"

The tall blonde didn't answer, he just  chuckled and walked past me.

Did he really just came to sniff me? Or does he really like smelling people?

You- "weirdo...."

Before any more scouts surrounded me again, I quickly head over to Erwin's quarters.


It felt like forever but I finally reached the Commander's door. I just hoped his food didn't get too cold.

You- "um...Commander Erwin? Are you in?"

No answer.

*knock knock*


Huh? His door opened after I knocked on it. Does that mean I can go in? Or should I wait until Erwin tells me to come in? Ah screw it.

You- "I'm sorry to barge in Commander Erwin but Captain Levi asked me to bring you your breakfast."

I entered his quarters, only to find it empty.

You- "huh? I thought Levi told me he wasn't leaving his room?"

I knew I didn't have time to wait for him to return so I just decided to leave his breakfast at his desk and make my way back to the infirmary. But before I make my way out the door, something on his desk caught my attention.

You- "Hanji's report...."

I remembered Hanji told me that she could answer any questions that I have involving titans. But what if this report has everything I wanted to know?

I know I have to get back to the infirmary asap, but my curious mind just couldn't take it.

You- "I'll just skim through it, I don't think it should take me long."

((Erwin's POV))

Hanji came into my quarters telling me that she finished her gadget to help capture titans. I approved her request just 2 hours ago and already she has something made.

I wanted to tell her not now but he begged me to take a look at it. I had alot of reports to look over yet here she is, trying to pull me out of my chair. Eventually I gave in and decided to go and take a look.

Once she took me to the training ground, I saw a couple of barrels with barbs poking out from the front end.

Hanji- "Erwin!!! See!! Are you seeing it?!"

Me- "yes Hanji I see it, but what I'd like to know is how will that help us capture titans?"

Hanji- "oh you'll see!!"

I saw her reaching for a handle that was sticking from the side but the moment she pulled it, nothing happened.


I sighed and decided to make my way back to my quarters.

Me- "Hanji, don't drag me from my work unless you've completed your inventions."

On my way towards the building I saw Mike had just exited the building, but what I wanted to know is why is he wearing a small smile on his face?

Me- "You seemed to be in a good mood today Mike."

Mike- "its not that I'm in a good mood, but I met someone who smells just as good as Nanaba."

Me- "you were sniffing people again?"

Mike- "just a nurse I ran into a few  moments ago."

Me- "A nurse?"

Mike- "yeah, she smelled like peaches."

Peaches? I wonder who he's talking about?

Me- "I hope you didn't startle her."

Mike chuckled.

Mike- "well, she was mad when I sniffed her."

Me- "I don't blame her....anyway, I should be heading back to my quarters."

Mike- "sure....see you around Erwin."

After we both went our separate ways, I make my way up the building.


The more I walked, the taller the building felt. How is it that I feel like it takes longer to reach my quarters every time I enter here?

I don't even know what time it is but it felt as if half the day had gone by and I have not even started on my work yet. This is going to be a very long day for me.

I finally reached the last corner and I saw my door in view, but I noticed something strange.

Me- "why is my door open?"

((Gaah I am a TERRIBLE person!! I have meant to update this story ASAP but my lazy self told myself "I'll do it tomorrow" which ended up being months later. I apologize for the late update, and I hope I don't make the same mistake again 😔))

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